The Bishop

I'm not worried about this show not being around for a while. The CW has let Supernatural kick around for over a decade, so I'm sure we'll at least get another two or three seasons out of this show. Also, I'm not entirely sure Tovah Feldshuh isn't a zombie. She really looks undead.

Uhg. That picture of the episode of Fresh off the boat makes me want to shove my TV out a window so I don't accidentally see it.

You're right. What was I thinking?

I could really empathize with his character in that film. I too had my dick beaten crooked in high school. I see the guy who did it every day when I look in the mirror…

My cousin and her daughter stayed with me for about a year once when she was down on her luck. Her daughter had a pet ferret that annoyed the shit out of me, but she was so attached to it, I couldn't ban it from my apartment. The thing was a complete pain in the ass, but at least it was as well litter trained as a

As much as I liked Clapton, and I love B.B. King, their collaboration album Riding With The King was one of the most disappointing albums I ever heard. I remember listening to it thinking " Really? This is the best you guys could do? "

I put Raging Bull in the same category as I put The Deer Hunter . Wonderfully made films, but too Goddamn heavy and depressing to watch more than once.

Beats me. If spellcheck doesn't catch it, I'm never sure. If it weren't for spellcheck I'd come off as the village idiot as bad as my grammar is.

" Big deal! So you toss a keg farther than anyone. Who cares? You know what you apparently can't do? Work on your abs! How the hell can you be that strong and not have a six-pack? Crunches, dude. You need to do more cr- "

The only boxing movie I ever liked was Raging Bull , and I'm not even sure " like " is the right word. It was a fascinating look at a very self destructive man, but it was depressing as shit. Boxing movies just ain't my thing.

I avoid shopping during the holidays like the plague, but I was forced to go to Kohl's a couple of weeks ago because they had a really great sale. Was in equal parts shocked and disgusted by how much Star Wars crap they had. It's the kind of shit that makes me actively root for the movie to suck.

Was it a white t-shirt with Clapton on the front from the Journeyman tour? I had that one and he did look pretty Christ-y on it.

Looking at the comments the next day, I really had to re-evaluate my liquor intake. I also talked to a friend who really laid into me about what an angry, intolerable asshole I've been turning into, and I just had to take it. He asked me flat out " Why do you keep actively seeking out things to piss yourself off? Do

Didn't know that. The last Rocky movie left a really bad taste in my mouth though…

After nearly getting into a drunken fist fight with my cousin while watching the last Democratic debate, and getting shitty with a bunch of Commentors here in a near complete blackout ( sincerely, sorry guys ) I took the advice of a friend and disconnected from the internet for a couple of weeks. Also didn't watch any

Man, Stallone is really trying to squeeze every last drop of juice out of the Rocky lemon.

I like the painting I have of me and blonde haired, blue eyed Jesus on the same surfboard together, rockin' some bitchin' waves.

What are you talking about?!? He was great in…uh… shit, I got nothin'.

What are they apologizing for? Everybody knows that ethnic people weren't invented until the late thirteenth century. It's common knowledge people! Well, back to work…

That was a very unsettling image.