I think I would give Calista Flockhart some sort of award for what is probably one of the worst performances I can remember in recent years.
I think I would give Calista Flockhart some sort of award for what is probably one of the worst performances I can remember in recent years.
* beats on the side of Dirtbike Milksteaks van with Louisville slugger *
What's the big deal? I've been making my own Ecto Cooler for years. It's simple, all you need is:
Don't get me wrong I'm convinced all religions are just a bunch of shit people made up, but I have a lot of family who are deeply religious, and I try not to hold against them.
That guy is such a prick…
My condolences. My paternal grandfather just last week finally succumbed to " tinsel-lung ".
I'm giving every single AV Clubber a dead mouse, thanks to the good folks af Tomcat, who kill mice fast.
His answer is vague and confusing…
Do you have any plans for this Friday Cocaine? We should hang out.
Who won?
True, but I think the lack of documentation makes some of the older religions a little more plausible. Sure, the whole Jesus thing sounds pretty far fetched, but it was a long time ago so hey, maybe it did happen.
Right. I forgot about their " registering the dead as Mormons " thing.
I'm not sure I liked that this comment made me laugh…
I have the same problem with it that I had with Smallville . It seemed every episode was Clark just meeting and beating a new foe every week. (You know, the old " meet and beat " ) Just found it predictable and boring.
The " El " in " Kal-El " translates in English to " Lanister ".
Really? I've watched a couple of episodes and thought this show kinda blows dogs. I was surprised to find out my dad is a fan, because apparently Supergirl is " real purty ".
As someone who got most of his knowledge of Mormons from South Park and Big Love , I'm surprised at the fact that they number in at 14 million. I was raised Catholic, but it didn't really take. Too many questions, not enough answers. The Mormon mythology strikes me as incredibly flimsy, and I really scratch my head…
Not cool dude. We should always refer to ourselves as " white rubbish ". Have some self-respect Goddamnit….
Nurses are awesome. Once, about halfway through my chemo regimen, the doctor noticed a mole on my back that hadn't been there when my treatment started. He said " I don't like the looks of this. I'm going to slice this off and biopsy this mole, just to make sure it's not malignant. " I said " When are we going to…
It was awful. There was a black nurse who squeezed the hell out of my hand because I refused to tell my family how bad the results of the tests could be. She asked " So. Do you want a family member to be here with you as we do this? " I said " No, very few people know in my family that I have the cancer. I'd rather…