The Bishop

Did you have to have a lung biopsy? I had to have one in 2007, and it was the worst thing ever. They couldn't give me any sort of anesthesia, and they were basically just stabbing me in the the lung with a really big needle. The worst part was that they didn't find anything, which staggered me because I started

I appreciate that. I had a long talk with a friend of mine, today and he gave me two pieces of advice. One: stop drinking ( duh ) and two: maybe you shouldn't be spending so much time on the internet looking up news stories that are doing nothing but making you angry when there's not a goddamn thing you can do about

I owe you an apology. I was particularly wasted and angry last night and posted a bunch of nonsense. I'm sorry, I can be a real douchebag sometimes, and should hide my iPad before I start drinking.

Sorry man, but I've been drinking pretty hard since about 8 pm. My thoughts and opinions are blurred and muddled, and am doing myself a great disservice by continuing to post here. Fuck man, give me a million replies tomorrow telling me what an asshole I am and I won't refute a single one of them. Stupid addictive

Hey, CFAmck, I think I owe you an apology. I made a shitty comment to you in response to another commenter who wasn't you. I get all liquored up on cheap vodka and still feel it is important to post here and I think you got caught in the crossfire. Sorry dude, are we still cool bro?

You're comment doesn't make any sense. Could you clarify? I thought Rattle and Hum was a great concert album, but it came out in my sophomore year in high school, so I guess it gets extra special nostalgia points for me. Not sure what your comment is trying to convey…

* Franko's mom enters kitchen, sees red handprints everywhere *

Downloading music is for losers.

I remember seeing footage from when one of the Hell's Angel's punched Marty Balin from Jefferson Airplane and knocked him the fuck out. One the other guys in the band was all like " Dude, that is like, majorly uncool! "

Uhg. Don't even get me stated on the Amish! Bunch of lousy butter-churning, barn-raising, carriage-driving, furniture-making, pie-baking bearded creeps! They make me want to puke…

* points sawed-off pool stick at Battlestar Compactica *

You know what the problem is? The closest place any big name will come to play is Philadelphia. There is not a single concert I've been to there that was not ruined by the awful fucking crowd. Take every bad thing you've heard about Philly sports fans and audiences and magnify it to the fifth power. They. Fucking.

Haters gonna hate…

Rattle and Hum is without a doubt their best album. I've always regretted not seeing them live, but after one disastrous concert experience after the other, I've no tolerance for concerts anymore.

Fucking autocorrect….

It's probably better then the wringer I put mine through!

Every time I see him being interviewed outside of DC he's always outdoors with a shotgun doin' a little huntin'. Such a pandering douche.

I call dibs on Wafflicious' liver!

* Pull Ted Cruz aside *
Hey, listen buddy, you've got to stop doing this shit. Just sell yourself as a flack for special interests and giving the death blow to what little middle class remains. It's obvious you have all the charisma of a tree stump, so just keep appealing to Christian loonies and right wing nut jobs.

This is just another battle in the the war on cops. Way to go FOX, you left wing bullies.