The Bishop

Yeah, the shows title doesn't do it any favors, but I enjoy it. I had never heard of her before, but she's really funny.

Sad how? I haven't seen it yet, and really haven't read or heard much about it.

When do we get to see the Alamo's basement?

I'm sure the lead singer of Korn wouldn't push a shitty trade deal like the TPP through that is such a huge giveaway to multinational corporations and does nothing but fuck the average American.

Even if I couldn't tolerate the musical numbers, the show would still be funny. Good Christ that woman is a mess…

Have you considered one of the other major religions? They're all pretty much the same…

The parts of Up I saw included the montage of the guy and his wife saving up for their dream vacation and always hitting the same roadblocks all us working poor folks face. I won't ruin it for you if you haven't seen it, but it was pretty Goddamn depressing for what I assumed was a kid's movie.

That doesn't hurt, but the show is really pretty funny. I normally hate musical numbers in comedy, but hers are really funny. Give it a try before you completely write it off.

All the other nurses, when I would ask them about her would say " Lisa? She's a great nurse, but she's nuts. " God bless her…

I usually hate musical comedy, but Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is really funny to me. I had never seen Fuck Me Ray Bradbury before this article and Goddamn, it's brilliant.

Seriously, the most under appreciated people in medicine are nurses.

Truth be told, my doctors were kind of assholes. I was treated at a pretty big cancer treatment center, and the doctors probably barely remembered who I was from week to week. The nurses were awesome though. One in particular, basically treated me during my first round of chemo like I was a whiny little bitch. As I

What really made me dislike the term " cancer survivor " was reading Art Speigleman's Maus . His father's tale was the tale of someone who actively worked to survive a horrifying situation. I just laid in a bed for weeks at a time while they pumped me full of poison. I didn't do anything heroic, I just didn't die

Thank you. I will seek this out.

As someone who has had cancer, I hate the term " cancer survivor ". What, I'm special because they pumped a lot of drugs into me and I didn't die I should get some sort of special status? My doctor told me I might have another ten or fifteen years left, How the fuck am I supposed to take this life seriously with this

I wish you could have heard how loud I laughed at this comment…

I only recently watched Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo , and while I liked it, it was way to long. The plot was great but the scenes of him following Kim Novak around went on way too long. Loved The Birds , and I loved Alfred Hitchhcock Presents but goddamnit, I just don't have all the time I want to see everything

The skier guy? Man, he talked so much shit about you. He said you went through forty parrots a year because you would fuck them and break their necks at the moment you climaxed. Dude, the guy is not your friend….

See?!? This guy saw all the movies and he's a mess! I don't actively seek out things that are going to depress me! Get off my back!!!!

COOL!!! Which Black GI Joe was it?!? Was it Roadblock? Stalker? Doc? Or was it… Uh…hold on a second… It'll come to me… Were than any other African-American GI-Joes?