The Bishop

I get that, I just am not a movie guy. The only Pixar movies I have seen were A Bug's Life, The Incredibles, and bits and pieces of Up . While I enjoyed what I saw, I've got such a long list of movies I should probably watch first before I tackle the Pixar library. I admitted to an AV Clubber that I never saw

Well, okay. But it seems that every time people talk about the movie the comment thread seems to fill up knee-deep in the tears of the people that have seen it, so I assumed it had a permanent ending in the third one. I doubt I'll ever see any of these movies, because I don't have kids and probably never will.

I haven't seen any of these movies, but I was under the impression that the third movie kind of wrapped things up for the series. Didn't they all go into the garbage or an incinerator or something?

Beall: How about this: Aquaman is hanging out at a sand bar, catching up with some old hermit crab friends of his, when he spies a naked Tom Hardy sunning himself on the shore.

I don't know about that, but Joel had the perpetual " Stoned out of my gourd " face, where as Mike had the " super nice home town boy " look going on.

One of my favorite Kung Fu movies was a Jackie Chan movie which I only saw the last half of.

While I don't deny that the Joel episodes are better, I still thought some of the Mike ones were pretty Goddamn funny.

Thank you for explaining that to me. I do have irl female friends, but I never ask them questions like that because I immediately turn from " the male friend " to " the male friend who is secretly a creep who probably wants to sleep with me ".

Like white Jesus and white Santa.

" Yo, Caesar! Youse wants I should crucify this Spartacus mook? "

It bothers me more how every movie set in Ancient Rome has the actors using a British accent. Why wouldn't they have thick Italian accents?

I may be oafish and lazy…..wait, what was the third thing you said?

He never should have went full retard….

You better be bringing You're the Worst back you sons of bitches!

Schooliscolsplash must be a seriously devout Mormon to play it so fast and loose with the spelling of his religion.

We're trying to…

I think it would be cooler to order one of everything, then take the food out into the parking lot and wing it at passing traffic.

Not true. Judas was trying to snake Mary Magdalene behind the J-Man's back.

Aw, man…I thought Rob Lowe wasn't an asshole. Is he a " war on Christmas " guy?

It kind of disappointed me that they didn't incorporate the shoe shine guy into any of the movies.. That was a great bit.