The amount of venom in her voice when she was ranting was really frightening.
The amount of venom in her voice when she was ranting was really frightening.
* Hands Guy Incognito two sacks of cash *
I'm hoping I can get it at the library soon. King's short fiction is his best. Haven't been able to finish any of his novels since 11 / 23 / 65 and man, that was a slog.
I can't help but notice Lupin Addams said he met you, but did not mention getting a boot to the ghoulies. What's up with that?
So, where and what time will you be picking it up?
Fargo is just fucking killing it this season. First time since the final season of Breaking Bad I've felt so tortured by the weeks wait between episodes.
150$?!? What, are Legos made of pure cocaine now?
I dated a girl from Missouri in my early twenties, and she was one of the sweetest girls I had ever known. After dating a few weeks, I took her to meet my best friend who was still living at home. When she met his black step-father, she was polite, but not her normal self. After we left, she went on an insane racist…
Fuck Obama. Seriously, for him to be pushing a trade treaty as toxic as the TTP pretty much destroys any good thing he's done in his two terms of office. I listened to a town hall meeting last night in New York that laid out how badly this deal is going to screw the average American, and man we are going to be…
Not a big Ansari fan, but I guess I'm gonna have to binge Master of None this weekend to see what all the fuss is about.
Yuengling is one of my favorite beers, but I was a little confused to see Yuengling brand ice cream at my local grocery store. I'm not a big ice cream fan, even though I'm a fat fuck, but I'll have to give it a try.
I started a Facebook page just to get bonuses on some of the freemium games I play on my iPad. Then I started getting notifications on my cell phone that people were sending me friend requests. Most of them I didn't know, but a couple I recognized who I haven't spoken to in decades. There is a reason I haven't spoken…
Oh, we got ourselves a real aristocrat here guys!
Missouri, the " show me what an intolerant racist you are " state.
Yeah, for him to stand behind that horrible turd of a show kind of made me lose a little respect for him. I love his stand up, and if he would have said " Look, I tried something and it just didn't work out. " and move on that would have been cool. But to defend such a blatant rip-off of Seinfeld is just kinda sad.
Having a dog is definitely not the same as having a kid. It's a thousand times better. Dogs are cheaper to maintain, better behaved, and if it ends up you can't stand them you can just dump them off at the pound instead of being stuck with them for eighteen years.
So you're all on board with incest?
So, you're totally down with incest?
Your problem being that while they said " very funny ", they really meant " staggeringly hilarious " right? Because Sullivan & Son was the funniest thing since sliced bread.