Quite possibly one of the best user name / comment synergy comments ever.
Quite possibly one of the best user name / comment synergy comments ever.
I'm just at the point where being single is just too easy. Being ugly, broke, and socially retarded doesn't really help, but I just have pretty much given up. Seeing the state of most of my friends relationships, I think I'm better off.
I don't know if you ever watched the HBO show Looking , but as a straight guy it was very enlightening to me. There was an episode where the guy was going to have sex with his new boyfriend, and gave himself an enema beforehand. The only thing I could think was, " Man, jerking off is so much less a hassle. "
Honestly, I've never had anal sex. One reason is because I have a really wide dick, and no woman I've been with wanted it jammed up their ass. The other reason is because I'm kind of a prude, and find the asshole just kinda gross. I'm such a square….
What really bugs me is that I saw an older clip labeled " Mother forces daughter to fuck father ". It was from a movie I had on vhs from the nineties where a guys wife was convinced the babysitter was cheating with her husband and then forced her to fuck him. They just re titled it to make it seem like she was his…
Oh, shut up Jamie nobody likes you!
Porn Thread .
The gospel of Alien Jesus continues to frighten and confuse me…
* rounds up mercenery team, extracts MasterTrollbater from Florida *
Seriously, I can't think of a shittier looking kid than that. I want to actually punch my iPad every time I see that avatar. It looks like a kid one of my Florida relatives would have.
I still think he was bullshitting with that video clip. I do think it is kind of funny that he has a " Voldemort " status on this site, but I don't think he was genuine.
Is your avatar from something? Was it a movie or TV character? I think I asked you before, and you may or may not have answered me. Either way I forget, as I drink a lot and am not overly bright to begin with…
Wasn't some guy trolling you a while back using your avatar?
You sound like a fun guy. Wanna go minuture golfing with me tomorrow?
Tupperware? Boring. How about a movie where she has sex toy parties? C'mon, back me up here HBO CEO of tits!
I saw it in the theater in 1977.
I'm starting to think Hollywood may not understand ballistics…
I think the only movie where they got it right was Alien Nation . James Cann's character took cover behind the tire, where there is the most solid metal in the axels. His partner hid behind the drivers side door and got Swiss-Cheesed.
* gazes longingly at fireball *