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    Just watch the pilot mini-series. If you like the mini-series, you'll like the rest of the show. If you try to skip around, the show won't make as much sense because of its serialized nature.


    What about the season 4 mutiny arc?

    I just don't get why some people insist on viewing quality through a prism of whether or not it was worth the time of the actresses involved based on how attractive the main actresses were.

    "…likely serving as a cover for money laundering activities…"

    My daughter watched all of those shows and I can say I think "Jessie" beats all of them. "Dog With a Blog" at least *tried* to be funny by doing different types of jokes and not just rely on the formula of the characters imsulting each other for cheap laughs formula "Jessie" relied on. "Bunk'd" is terrible, but lacks

    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm gonna hate-watch the shit out of this.

    You know, between the bad child acting, recycled story ideas, persistent plot holes, hack joke writing, and reliance on stereotypes and casual racism disguised as character quirks, and the fact it was on the Disney Channel for FOUR FUCKING SEASONS, I'm convinced "Jessie" was probably the worst sitcom of all time.

    I thought the FX app was only available for use if you had a cable subscription.

    Up voted entirely for "our friend Alien Jesus."

    Wait…Artemis was in the movie?

    Coldest. August. Ever.

    Yes, you are right, that is a woman.

    Ah, yes…the infamous "number of people asleep" metric for judging movie quality. Suck it, Rotten Tomatoes.

    Hey…just realized Jon Favreau has been in both a Spider-Man and a Daredevil movie…and each had guys in them who played Batman.

    I just realized she's now probably worked with half the cast of "A Different World."

    Holy shit at "femail robot."
    I am going be laughing about that for at least 3 days.

    I can't disagree with a single point.

    He said he voted for Bush in 2000, but I don't think he's ever said anything beyond that.