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    "Catch LA"? I don't get it. What does that even mean?

    Opinions are for real Americans, like bankrupt real estate moguls and reality TV show hosts.

    Yeah but so are Trump's.

    I thought it was 80s Joe Biden.


    Anyone else have that travelling youth pastor come to their church when they were kids pushing the idea that every musical act had ties to Satanism? And that Hotel California was proof the Eagles were Satanists because the Church of Satan was founded in California in 1969?
    Also…AC/DC stood for "Anti-Christ, Devil's

    Clearly the reviewer who said the 3D in "Avatar" was unimpressive was just trolling us.

    That is an…AWFUL…codename.

    Who is standing behind Storm, next to Logan, on that X-Men cover?

    They're still going to also try and make that "Gotham City Sirens" bullshit too, aren't they?

    Or…"Yakkity Sax"?

    That wasn't the point. We were discussing if the parties use facts as a basis for proposed solutions.

    There are bills introduced all the time based on evidence, but they are gutted by the legislative process. The entire prison reform movement is based on evidence that harsh sentencing doesn't work. Climate change legislation would be another example.

    "Democrats and republicans are calling for things that have no basis in fact."

    I wouldn't even say its ideology that Hannity champions over facts, but party loyalty. His only consistent philosophy over the last 20 years has been "Republicans good, Democrats bad," even when the Republican Party adopts positions that contradict decades of conservative orthodoxy (i.e. the Trump agenda).

    It is a good rock theme.

    Leading one of his typically contentious and fact-adjacent press conferences, McCarthy’s Spicer initially got little reaction, until the studio audience realized just who was under the truly uncanny wig, makeup, and ill-fitting suit.

    They're saying they "real" Americans are going to be mad because Hooters is being toned down.

    Lie and Let Die
