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    The real elephant in the room….if this is set between "The Cage" (original pilot, which is canon per the 1st season episode "The Menagerie," which says it was 14 years prior to the middle of the 1st season) and "Where No Man Has Gone Before" (the second pilot and first episode to feature Capt. Kirk) why the hell

    I disagree…"The Wire" was already hitting them out of the park even in the first season.

    Is it possible the person who visited the set is just reading way to much into this on-set discussion about script changes?

    That's a bunch of ex-SHIELD agents in a mothballed carrier.

    I am guessing it was a legitimatw fuck up and they will fix it before Luke Cage starts filming. Someone at Marvel is supposed to be in charge of who is allow to use which characters. For all their fuck ups, I know at DC, they're not even allowed to use the same character in unrelated *cartoons* at the same time.

    Was there more than one in the comics? I don't remember.

    No, but he joined SHIELD later, according to the 1980s "Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe" entry on SHIELD.

    Really? I didnt pick that up from Antman at all.

    Are we sure he will be a SHIELD Agent, since the movies are basically ignoring the tv shows, and thus acting as though SHIELD completely dissolved after "Winter Soldier"?

    The problem with analyzing pop culture, or a lot of other things really, through the lens of feminism is that analysts often feel the need to paint anything negative that a male character does or says to a female character as symptom of the author's sexism, instead of obstacles placed in the female character's way

    But he was the opponent's campaign manager. Now they want to make him VP??? White House Chief of Staff or some other position within the WH filled with power and influence, sure. But VPOTUS? Next in line to the presidency? Subject to potentially embarrassing confirmation hearings ripe with public scrutiny and press

    A few questions I can't think of the answers to, within the context of the show's own convoluted logic:
    1) Why kill Leann Harvey? I don't think we were ever given a reason, even a silly one, that she had to die. Was her loyalty in question, or was she being punished for screwing up the data mining operation that was

    Will it be set in the early 90s, but with all the characters still inexplicably looking almost the same ages that they did in "X-Men: First Class"?

    Better than a show that has been consistently placed on multiple "Greatest TV Shows of All Time" lists? Okay then.

    I get that some people can only judge others only by their looks, just not why someone would admit it in the year 2017 except to intentionally sound like an asshole.

    (1) I don't see how those actresses were misused since the show basically revolved around their characters.
    (2) You exclusively mentioned actresses and no male actors.
    (3) There are plenty of unattractive actors and actresses who've carried shows and attractive actors and actresses who could not.
    (4) This whole

    I agree with most of that except for the part about it being in the past. It was something I'd always assumed was true from the beginning because of the similarities between Colonial and Earth cultures, one had to be influencing the other somehow.

    I'm wondering…people always mention the God-did-it stuff as a reason to hate the finale, but what about those long flashbacks? Did knowing Lee and Kara almost fucked the night they met, or that Roslin's entire family died one day in a car accident, or that Adama once turned down a job because he felt insulted by the

    Exactly. If only Sharon had been called 7 instead of 8, they wouldn't have needed to explain the missing number.

    Not coincidentally, the exact moment the writers realized they only had 7 Cylon models and decided to come up with an explanation about why no one had ever seen the remaining five Cylon models during the Cylon occupation. I'm pretty sure Ron Moore admitted this was the actual origin of the Final Five storyline in a