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    I still wish there were some way for Arnold and Trump to just trade jobs.

    Long lost? I thought it was a bonus feature on the "Westworld" movie bluray.

    It's pronounced CHY-NAH.

    Man, IF ONLY Darrell Hammond still worked for the show. Does anyone at SNL still know how to get ahold of that guy? Man, that's be great, but alas…just a pipe dream…

    "With Saturday Night Live’s resident Donald Trump, Alec Baldwin, seemingly viewing the gig as more of a 'when I feel like it' situation, last night’s John Cena-hosted SNL saw the show working around Baldwin’s absence."

    She married Bill.

    Or maybe we midwesterners should quit being such babies about how the rest of the country sees us and actually look at who actually had a plan to help the poor, and who spent the entire campaign insulting and degrading people for being different.

    I feel like I've been told repeatedly by Republicans since the election that having less supporters spread out over a broader geographical area is a greater sign of public support than having more actual people willing to vote for you.

    Bob Dole would probably want to remind you that you left Bob Dole off the list of VP nominees. Bob Dole wouldn't be very happy about that. Also, Bush I.

    If her show was doing so poorly, why'd they expand the 1st season to 20 episodes?

    Sociological defintion of "minority."

    I almost didn't want to watching this episode based on the advertising that this was going to be not just another "Rebecca idiotic scheme" episode, but one involving a pretty lame premise of pretending she's good at ping pong. Fortunately, it wasn't really about that, and turned out to be a fantastic episode that

    A lot of people seem to think the show writers are just making stuff up as they go and not basing this (more or less) on an already in print comic series. Sure, there are plenty of deviations, but mostly that's filler or stuff done to develop characters who did not appear in, or already died in, the printed series.

    In fairness, most of those other guys as Capt. America were either retcons or just temps filling in for Steve until the writers restored the status quo.

    It's great for the music and scenery and the characters. The plot…not so much.

    WTF? How could orders be below expectations? They can't even meet the demand for the product with the number of installers they have now. I live in a neighborhood with service already available, bit when I tried to sign up, I was told I'd be waiting 6 months.

    Have fun carrying the whole show now, Kate McKinnon.

    "Every frame of this film looks like someone's last known photograph."

    The premise of the cold open is that with Phil Hartman gone (something that is, thankfully, not mentioned in the show, lest the audience, cast, and crew alike begin sobbing)…