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    *mind blown*

    I prefer to think of Phillip's "Walter White" disguise as "Live Action Ned Flanders" myself.

    No, it wasn't.

    The person with the erect nipples was the male eye candy, not the female Bond. Did the person writing the headline not actually read the article? Did I accidentally click on Cracked?

    In the movies he was an actual O-3 Captain with the double silver bar insignia on his shoulders and everything.

    No, he had a captain's rank insignia on his Army uniform.

    Wait…are you saying E-1s make $30,000???

    There was an 8 year gap in between FF movie releases.

    I think it was 10 years.

    Yes! Or have Marvel just say fuck it and make a Squadron Supreme movie.


    Are we *sure* that's supposed to be the First World War and not the second? The footage was really darkly lit.

    Oh my god, these references are layers of perfect.

    Whatever you do, don't blame the fact that the Yahoo service found a new way to not work for every different device I tried to watch it on.

    In fairness, most of my local McDonald's start serving lunch at 10:30 am, which is way too damn early.

    Don would definitely be dead by now. I can't imagine his lungs or liver making it past 1985, to be honest.

    Wasn't it the court's decision, though, according to Anita?
    (I am sure there were also 1,001 "I told you so" moments after Peggy and Abe broke up.)

    Ok, that makes sense…but what about Don's tank and the Saran Wrap?