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    Well…DeForest Kelley once mentioned a similar script to Paul's in an interview, where Dr. McCoy and Lt. Uhura beamed down to a planet where people thought McCoy was Uhura's slave.

    Probably just wasn't crossed out because the resolution they used didn't have anything to do with Peggy's mother Catherine.

    I am desperately trying to read the stuff that was scratched out. What's this about Jimmy and Bobbi Barrett killing someone? Don's tank?? Saran Wrap???

    Because X-Force was terrible and Rob Liefeld can go suck a royalty check.

    They divorced. Henry talked about having visitation time with his daughter and I think came out and said it when the character was first introduced.

    "The Earth has frozen over, and an advanced race of mecha-beings (not aliens!) uncovers David."

    "I get that reference, too!"
    -Capt. America (probably)

    "I got that reference."
    -Capt. America