Ezra Pound Axe King

Not as bad as Missandei and Greyworm mopily getting it on…


An Essos dragon or a Westerosi dragon?

This is Serious, Mum!

Gus!! EY GUS!!

Well… isn't it?

Sweet baby Jesus

Timeline of the universe? What universe?

I reckon BvS would have worked much better if it wasn't so obsessed with world building.

I enjoyed GoTG very much, but more because it didn't depend on the other films, it felt like its own thing. I am not dissing the films themselves, just their insistence that everything has to be related, it gets exhausting. My favorite Marvel films have been the ones that didn't rely so much on the rest of them.

Can't say I have seen it work yet in film myself, though many would disagree.

The whole 'interlocking world' idea is getting pretty old pretty quick, isn't it?

I would argue that all comic characters are best in their original medium.

One of their best episodes!

They course corrected Star Wars after episode I, II and III… but then, they had three pretty solid films under their belt too… do the Nolan films count?

I am just surprised at the very different levels of backlash with these comic book adaptations.

You might be onto something there. I mean, BvS obviously had some flaws, but I thought it was still reasonably good popcorn…

I completely agree, and yet I hear nary a moan about it critically. Everyone just kind of shrugged and said 'Well, we like Irish Magneto, so…' and that's it.

So interesting that all of this has been revolving around the BvS and Suicide Squad, but everybody has been super lenient on X-men Apocalypse, which was an absolute shit sandwich of a film. I ain't bothered to see Suicide Squad, but Apocalypse was pretty terrible…

The original original… I din't actually realize they had a tinkered version out there… always a bad move!