Ezra Pound Axe King


The interior art looks pretty good, but I have to say, that Faith cover art is complete balls. Bad choice there, Valiant.

For reals? I mean, is this guy actually Greatjohn in real life? Bring him back, the ear could be explained away very easily!!

The Mountain just really, really hates street pissers. USE THE JOHN, DAMMIT

Because TV.

I was pretty happy with the giant triple-threat in the episode with the Mountain, Wun Wun and Hodor getting a bit more screen time than usual. Go giant people! And, uh, actual giants!

And she knows the secret bit about Jamie and Cersei being half-Targarian.

Also, House Frey is still sitting pretty at this point. They have not gotten involved with very much warfare with anybody, but presumably still have numbers and a strategically well placed fortress. I reckon they could take the Boltons at this point, Karstarks or not.

True dat.

He's the one that bagged Cinderella

I don't know if it is being followed on the show, but I do recall the Umbers still being pissed off in the books after the Red Wedding, and I believe Greatjohn Umber is still captive… but they kinda ditched him in the show so I couldn't say. I would love to see the dude again though. Also WHERE DA FUK IS DA BLACKFISH

HOLY SHIT- Ian McShane as Howland Reed would be fucking rad!!

Damn… I want McShane Euron!!!! SWEDGIN!!!

I love me a good ol' French-style agnatic primogeniture. Hat's off to you, mate.

I was still hoping that Blackfish would materialize and give Roose a new smile.



I did wonder if they were combining the two. Damn, I liked the idea of a Swearingin/Euron hybrid!!

WAS that actually Euron? I thought maybe it might be Victarion, and that McShane might pop in as Euron… or has it been announced in the press? I remember reading somewhere that McShane was only showing up for one episode, and that would make sense for the Kingsmoot?? From memory we see much more of Victarion than

What are you talking about? Of course he can teleport. He's shares the device with Littlefinger.