Ezra Pound Axe King


Haha, the Jon Snow fans would LOSE THEIR SHIT…

Damn it, that should have been mine!

Well, shit.

Pretty sure they did the 'no prior 2010' thing because Bartlet would win against anybody, even the President Arnie mentioned in Demolition Man…

(ahem!) ONLY son… the big reveal that Cersei and Jamie are actually the Mad King's offspring have been hinted at a couple of times… Tywin certainly would have had his suspicions…

Oh, I had my fun! I do like a good pun!

Eeeeeeverybaaaahdy get STONED


This looks horrible.

Jesus Christ.

Where would he go? Maybe back to Riverrun as in the books. It's been a while since we checked in there… (cough)

No that's not Blackfish, he escaped. You're thinking of Catelyn's bro, Edmure (?) Tully. He's still locked up.


We are yet to see anybody in Westeros intermittently scream out COCKSUCKERS

Still wanted THAT scene though!! Pissing just doesn't quite cut it, you know?

Pretty sure Crows Eye won the king mooty thing. Pissed off Victarion no end.

Keeping in mind, though… how many books are left to go? Perhaps the final books will vindicate all the wobbly Dorne business…

Oh, no, Blackfish escaped. I am sure poor old Edimur (?) Tully is still there at the Twins under lock and key… wheeled out for Walder's latest marriage…

I am pretty worried about the writers running out of books to work from. They seem to suffer from a lack of long term vision (ie when they don't know what to do with somebody they kill them off like Stannis and poor old Ser Barriston), and in my eyes the strongest plotting is the stuff lifted from the books whole