
Aubrey Plaza is great in her masturbating videos on pornhub. Her best role yet!

because I'm not an actor, I'm an architect
I have zero interest on Tilda Swinton job
but Margaret Cho for sure would want that sweet Marvel money
so instead of working her ass off, she just complain in a fucking podcast

the more untalented actress is complaining on how a more talented and famous actress won a role in a big franchise
Margaret Cho should do more homework and try to become more than a stand-up comic with a podcast before she wants to say anything about Tilda Swinton

It doesn't matter if he is filthy rich. Every artist should have all the money that they created! Not this companies or anyone else.
I hope everyone on Vivendi get anal cancer and die!

Mascots it's a great movie! Very subtle nasty humour! :)

how about an IMDB rating graph?

She wrote a very good article on Cracked. Search on Google for "7 Reasons Child Stars Go Crazy (An Insider's Perspective)". ;)

"Doing Standup and focusing on writing more for the next year at least."
You mean, stealing other comedians material.

she thought it would be too much "on the nose"

god forbid if he wants to spend his money the way he wants

this is beyond stupid

a whole article for just one lame gif?

if you don't know Vincent, your life has no meaning

I think this movie will be just like Get On Up and others biopics that once I get to know the singer in real life, I get to hate him because he is a douchebag.
Control still is the best singer/band biopic.

god forbid if you have to read huh?

So the worst movie would be a rom-com horror starring Rob Schenneider and Katherine Heigl.

too long, no story, too many shots alikes, too pretentious

Rick and Morty's quotes are the new Simpsons quotes my glip glops!

I should have walked out in The Tree of Life. Instead, I lost the will to live forever. :/