
not the show's fault. it's bad marketing. Arrested Development all over again

also drones taking pictures

I love you Meryl but shut up!!

Also the B plot from last season episode was solid and had something to do with Rick and Morty watching channels from other dimensions

This was the worst Rick and Morty episode, in my opinion. Just rehashing ideas from the previous season episode. :/

I swear I can hear Darrell Hammond's Sean Connery laughter

Principal Vagina! What make Vagina tickles? How to make Vagina excited? Does Vagina like spanking?
Or we meet the whole Vagina family in a episode called "Meet the Vagina".
The possibilities are endless!

They need to do like The Simpsons and allow develop secondary characters. And also create more secondary characters. The stories altough still really good, are too much inseide the house.

I really liked the episode but it felt like a rehashed Lawnmower Dog mix with Anatomy Park.

god forbid if you have to read, hun?

I just watched the first 2 episodes and it is amazing! :)

after Arrested Development, The Office and 30 Rock, everything changed. you can't do another Seinfeld

I hate this fake endings where everything was a dream/illusion/drug trip

it would have to exist 10 Batman & Robin to erase Joel Schumacher's amazing legacy after Stand By Me

give me your feedback later! ;)

my intention is to make a edit more close to the book. since there is no material left from the books on the third movie, I guess it wasn't a waste of my time. you should check out, it is pretty great! ;)

but mine is the better one.

the should make a comedy road (water) movie with Maggie Smith and Shirley McLaine in a ship travelling to America. the interactions between these 2 characters are terrific.

If one Rick and one Morty used each other necklaces, this means that Rick is now 1/64 Morty and Morty is 1/64 Rick?