Grr! Arrgh!

While my marriage is built on a solid foundation of Simpson's quotes, I find myself going all the way back to the 80s and The Cutting Edge fairly frequently. Anytime I need to convey that something is ambiguous, it's "Legalo, Illegalo, is gray area," in a shamefully bad Russian accent. And I've been know to sweetly

Your comment just made me remember:

Yes! Team Olicity all the way because I do think the characters are good for and with each other (until the writers forgot that a woman can be both in love and competent at the same time). I was disappointed with how their relationship was written and developed this season but was ultimately happy to see Oliver be

That didn't bother me because actual Kevlar won't do jack against a bladed weapon.

Amanda Waller was such a fascinating character: she was a woman in the middle of all of those bad guys and twisted generals. She's clearly ruthless and DGAF about collateral damange. She basically manipulated Oliver into torturing some guy (to death?) and it's not totally clear that was the wrong call. At the same

Something about the League makes the writers incredibly stupid about clothing.

Laural-Nyssa: can I just say how much I loved Nyssa's cheerfully arrogent, "I am a good instructor!" as she watches Laurel beat the shit out of some minion.

There was so much fertile ground to explore at the end of the amazing season 2 finale: the Arrow-cave had been distroyed (they really, really should have move it), he'd lost his company and his family legacy, Oliver's secrets had driven his sister and only remaining relative to run off with her sociopathic father,

Damn it disqus! Stop making me look like an asshole. I'm more than capable of doing that on my own.

Matt has, no doubt, dropped bodies. Some henchman got a subdural hematoma from getting kicked in the head, or a pulmonary edema from a cracked rib puncturing his lung, or a fat embolism from a compound fracture, or just died a few weeks later from an infection because, to avoid police involvement, he got stitched up

That's another thing I think Arrow has handled better than Daredevil. In that show, we see Oliver both subjected to torture and we see the origin of him using torture as a tactic. We see him struggle with it and lose a bit of himself while simultaneously coming to the conclusion that torture is his only option. He

I would be done with the show if they did it. Done. I've forgiven Arrow all sorts of wacky shit, cheerfully suspended a metric ton of disbelief, and I'm all aboard the SS Olicity, but a cheap pregnancy plot device is even more than my good will would support.

Considering what happens to Starling City mayors…God I hope not. I'm not much of a Rahm fan, but we just had an election and then a mayoral run-off. I need some time before I have to deal with more mayoral campaign ads.

I had a very undignified moment when Digg picked up his crying baby in the empty apartment. I know I was supposed to feel frighted and outraged because Lyla was gone, but instead I was all "OMG, adorable baby in FEETY Pajamas!! Want to snuggle!"

See, though, "forcing this brainwashed near-stranger to think he stabbed his friend, then forcing him to marry my daughter and kill his whole city" is so grandiose and crazy-pants that you know it's fiction. "Forcing my lesbian daughter into marriage" however is something that happens for real every day around the

I particularly liked Amell in this one. He really had the "dead-eyed" look down (was actually wondering if the costume department gave him contacts). But at each new betrayal from Ras, each time Ras walked back part of the whole "join us and your loved ones and your city will be safe" deal you'd see a flicker of a

I'm counting down the days until he spins off. At this point, I have so much ill will for Ray, both from from his early, stalk-o-riffic days and the hypocrisy and Roy frying of the latest episodes that pretty much everything he does annoys me. Had Oliver bought out a restaurant, I would have taken it in stride, but

Agreed. I just want to take her for drinks somewhere and be like, "Felicity, let's have a talk about this rebound and whether it has perhaps outlived its usefulness…."

Iris has some legit beef with Barry and Joe for keeping Barry's identity from her. It is dumb, infantalizing, and clearly sexist. But the way she was written last night it was hard to keep sight of that and stay sympathetic.

I rewatched the episode, and for some reason I'd forgotten that Felicity was in the van and not running coms like she usually does - hence my confusion and subsquent saying something stupid on the internet.