Grr! Arrgh!

This just occurred to me: we totally missed the Oliver/Digg/Felicity reunion scene. Because Oliver must have stopped at the Arrow cave on the way back from the airport. Otherwise, how else would he have gotten his suit and know where to go and what was up in the Glades?

Agreed. I see no cognative dissonence between wanting Ra's al ghul dead and not wanting to work with Merlyn. Hell, the whole plot was about grappling with doing the right thing vs making the right decison as Digg so sucintly put it. Ra's is essentially a force of nature on this show right now - a meteor speeding

Has she really been dead all that long? I think they said explicitely that it's been 8 months since Slade attacked the city in the last episode. Sure, that's not exactly yesterday, but it still seems kind of fresh to me. I'm not going to try and impose a timeline on anyone's grief, but I'd also be leery of anyone

In my head cannon, Lance absolutely knows that Oliver is the Arrow and that speech is the proof. He needs to not have proof of that though, for exactly the reasons he laid out for Laurel, and because, as a police officer, he'd have to arrest Oliver if he knew he was the Arrow. But, also as a cop, if he doesn't have

Thea saying that she wasn't a afraid of Ra's al Ghul might just be the dumbest thing anyone on this show has ever said.

The more I sit with it, the more I hope that they give me some plausible (I am willing to be very, very generous in my definition of plausible) reason for Oliver surviving besides Lazarus Pit/Magic. I know it's cannon, but part of the reason I like this show so much and will probably always like it more than the

Intent isn't magic. Just because you didn't intend to step on my foot, doesn't make my toes hurt less. Felicity didn't know what his intentions were (they've proven themselves ambiguous at best too, no matter what the writers say), she could only judge his actions. And his actions are fucking creepy, inappropreate,

I actually really liked that moment because I thought it reflected well on Laurel. At this point, for Laurel to be worthy of any self-respect, the only relationship she can have with Oliver is friendship. Because their "romance" was some toxic shit. She projected her own dreams for the future onto him with little

"It's tradition," was so dumb when "We want to prove it's a fair fight and that your opponant isn't hiding additional weapons; we are assassins after all" was right there. Also, I think they've added some new scars on Amell. It's got to be a bitch for the makeup department to keep track of all of them.

Why was she slavering over that dress anyway? Nothing about her character has ever suggested that she was into high fashion. Yes, she did start dressing better in season 2 - my pet theory on that was that Oliver was paying for all of her clothes as a penance for making her his EA (though we all know it was just a CW

God, I'm so late to this party, but….

Thank you! This drives me crazy! In the first season she looked like she wandered into an Ann Taylor, bought 7 outfits, then rotated them for the office because that's what you do in your first corporate job - then did cute quirky things (panda flats anyone) on her off hours. That made total sense to me with this

You make some good points re: word vomit and why Felicity would feel out of place.

I don't think so. I remember her saying that she didn't have anyone she could talk to about Arrow stuff back in Season 2 but I don't recall her saying she didn't have girlfriends. I certainly could be wrong though.

I'm so with you. Ray Palmer's continuous, unrelenting stomping of boundaries societal (all that crap at Best Buy), legal (accessing employee files to find someone's address or pinging their phone to find them all against the law) and explicit (Felicity: stop contacting me) really, really bothers me. So far it seems

Meh, major hairstyle/wardrobe change was pretty much standard operating proceedure after a relationship ended badly for me and my friends in college. Especially if Felicity felt like her hactivisim was responsible for his death, I can absolutely see her deciding that she couldn't be that person any more and making

I'm cool with the city charter as the ultimate legal document of Starling City if it means Laurel is punished for her next bit of prosecutorial misconduct (and you know there will be a next time) by catapult.

Wait, wait, wait. The *city charter* gives the acting DA the power to call out the riot squad even when the rest of the police chain of command is still active and functioning?

As much as I am looking forward to Nyssa's grief-fueled rampage (and, if the writers are into wish-fulfillment tranq'ing Laurel again and drunken karaoke with Felicity), her apperance highlights something that's been bugging me since the start of the new season; why are they still at Verdant?

So after watching Caitlin struggle heroically with the urge to shake the shit out of her compatriots for most of the episode, I now really want the Felicity cross-over episode to be about 5 mins of exposition/set-up/justification for her being there before she and Caitlin ditch the rest of the crew and spend the