A Talking Banana!?!

(Keeping in my mind I've only seen 30 2016 releases and haven't been able to see most of the major ones yet)

It's scheduled for next November.

It's a Ridley Scott film, so I'd be surprised if we didn't get a longer cut at some point.

I just don't get people who believe it has to be one or the other. Yeah, I like having "my" movies at the ready, but stuff like Netflix has made it much easier for me to watch movies I don't know if I'd consider otherwise, due to time and money. I mean, I know for most people movies and television is just stuff to

Lonesome Dove - 560 pages in, and I can safely say that I like it.

That 'State of Siege' cover is a thing of beauty.

Just finished Perfidia, which I liked, but it is by far my least favorite Ellroy (and it really did not need to be 700 pages long). I realized that I needed to catch up on some of my more 'literary' blind spots, so I started Philip Roth's The Plot Against America (which will be my second Roth, after The Human Stain).

I thought Clooney was really good in The Descendants, but that award totally belonged to Gary Oldman.

I am slowly but surely making my way through Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon. So far I've been digging it.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Whatever you say, Internet.

I remember a lot of people got pissed at The Master for doing that (among other things).

Watching that made me sad that Woody Harrelson doesn't get more leading roles.

Probably the best 'catch-up' book I read this year was Absalom, Absalom! I didn't understand what was going on half the time, but it was so beautifully written that it was somehow able to floor me. Two close seconds are A Confederacy of Dunces and Catch-22.

I'm pretty sure the obvious winner is George Harrison.

Have you seen Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore? You might like that. Ellen Burstyn is great in it.

I feel bad for Aaron Paul because Breaking Bad is probably the only great role he's going to get, even though he's a pretty great actor.

In other news, apparently that new D'angelo album is finally coming out.

But aren't all brilliant detectives total dicks?

No. Nothing can stop me from hating that song with an unreasonable passion.