A Talking Banana!?!

Eh. I'd actually prefer Edgar Wright stick to his original projects.

Hell, I'm not an atheist and even I want to ruin his fun.

You know he didn't like working with Kubrick either, right?

Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

'bout to get into a reread of Inherent Vice. Tried reading Saramago's Blindness, but I'm embarrassed to say I gave up on it. Those long-ass sentences start to drag on you, and this is coming from someone who actually enjoys Faulkner!

But not gay sex! Because that's just wrong.

For once, I'm jealous of New Jersey.

Man, this thread got dark really fast.

His name is James, James Cameron
The bravest pioneer
No budget too steep, no sea too deep
Who's that?
It's him, James Cameron
James, James Cameron, explorer of the sea
With a dying thirst to be first
Could it be? Yeah that's him!
James Cameron

Yeah, but that's kind of their jobs, to, you know, act like different people.

Please let this just be a remake of The King of Comedy, awkwardness and everything.

So I'm right in the middle of reading this, and I can't decide if it's great or merely alright…

So I'm assuming in this interpretation, Shredder is a Jihadist?

It really helps if you've read the book.

Speaking of McCarthy, when the hell is that other book of his coming out? Apparently it's called 'The Passenger' but no one seems to know anything about it.

Wrong movie!

I don't know about that. I feel like that out of all the leads, her nomination was the most deserving.

"I rode in an ass, yo momma's ass!"

Hey, at least now my dad finally has something new to listen to!

I'm going to assume by your tone that you're being sarcastic.