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    I just rewatched Cliffhanger and its still a great movie and probably my personal favorite Renny Harlin joint. Daylight feels like a lesser sequel to Cliffhanger with Stallone playing the same character.

    I've always been a homeland apologist (even during the first half of season 3) but am stunned at how bad the first 2 episodes have been this season. The only good thing I can say is that it HAS to get better. Carrie is obviously working some long con and the Quinn story line can only progress after 2 episodes this

    The head of Nintendo US made some coy remarks about legacy VC compatibility that makes me think that they will announce something a little easier to swallow than that you have to re purchase everything. My guess is that they let you re download VC games you already purchased on Wii, Wii-U, and/or 3DS as long as your

    aol chat room pic trading. just being honest.

    asked tony todd to sign that on an autograph once. he didnt want to.

    Lomack!!!! I should have known you were behind this you son of a bitch!!!!

    Its OK at best.

    i highly recommend watching The Iceman just for the David Schwimmer parts.

    Rob Schneider is…..The Stapler

    I like them both but Tuff Turf is on a level of its own. One of the best bad movies Ive ever seen.

    Can we get a similar write up for the scolarie brothers

    Isn't there an embargo for this movie?

    I think im gonna have to tap out on this show. The cast is solid but the episodes are getting harder and harder to sit though. This episode and the burrito shop episode from last year were painful to watch. It's a shame that Direct TV wont give me FXX for a decent price so I can get my always sunny fix in its place.

    i completely forgot about the hours of enjoyment i got from girl gets hit by shovel. Pure bliss.

    Couldn't agree more with Anders about that scene in Under the Skin. Really disturbing stuff.

    Trailer #2 for The Guest and Interstallar were great. Nightcrawler was a great choice.

    what about bob from fight club?

    I completely agree with you, but you should prepare yourself for some really snarky replys in 3……2……1

    I could see that. I've seen Belzers standup a few times and for the life of me I can't remember any of his bits, but he does have the same dry delivery. I remember seeing him on Real Time with Bil Mahr once and he went apeshit on someone he disagreed with on the panel that night (a very Bill Hicks moment). He will

    He's absolutely the "it comic" right now. I would say that he is probably my favorite stand up but could absolutely see someone not liking all his material. I like his show most of the time, but in some of his more experimental episodes i find myself waiting for it to end. He wrote Pooty Tang so he will always be