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    i bet i get into it after a few more episodes. If i could learn to love some more CW then there would be alot more tv to watch (200 or so episodes of supernatural).

    i guess my problem was that he didnt seem like he earned his shitty attitude that older comics could more easily get away with like a cosby or carlin. In the guy's defense I've probably only seen about 25% of his popular material. It's just that if a comics not gonna get you to laugh, then they should at least get

    it was actually Ron and Fez on sirusxm. Pretty good show. They actually liked Bill Hicks alot. I can't remember the name of the comic who wasn't the fan.

    I typically find the tv reviews on av club to be pretty spot on, but what's the story with all the A- reviews for Arrow? I'm 5 episodes in and really really want to like it, but I get that nasty CW taste in my mouth everytime i watch it.

    i think JD still has the #1 most watched youtube video of all time.

    yeah. in his defense I have only seen a few of his tv appearances and about half of a doc on him, but i think i got a decent handle on his style.

    i heard someone make an extreamly unpopular comment on the radio yesterday about not finding bill hicks very funny, and had to side with him on it. I can't think of one time that i laughed at his stand up or thought that anything he was saying was all that intriguing.

    I think most of his movies are good to great, but it's nice to see someone take a bold stance like that in a message board on a film website. The guy truly is a walking pile of shit who is beloved by his peers. I can't say that I can back antics of guys like Mel Gibson, Spike Lee, or John Travolta, but they seem to

    I saw some comedy sketch with bobby moynihan in it that made fun of the formula on entourage. It wasnt SNL but am sure its on youtube. great stuff.

    nope. just a lyric from one of their more popular songs from the mid 90's.

    your just a monkey on a string nololcat

    I can't defend Workaholics even though i used to watch it on a consistant basis. I tried to watch the new season and its gotten pretty terrible.

    Dave Matthews Band bashing……..I thought that stopped being a thing about 12 years ago. Those guys get most of their hate from the fact that maybe 5% of their fanbase are loud jerkoffs. Any band as popular as they were is going to have a fanbase where 5% of them are jerkoffs. I gotta admit that the DMB throwbacks on