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    Road Trip. Road Chip.

    I think some of it reflected back on him from Mace Windu's lightsaber.

    The comments section is for discussion of the show. No one solicited your thoughts either and yet you posted them. For what purpose if not for others to read and respond?

    He's not on Gotham anymore I don't think. But he was in an episode of Elementary!

    It was confusing because she was wearing a similar outfit in the past and present. They should dress her drastically different or change her hair or something so it's easier to figure out.

    Yes, the classic underdog story of the daughter of a really rich guy who moves his whole family to Nashville so his daughter can become a country music star.

    The baby wasn't black though.

    I think that Zoom wants to kill all the Speedsters so he has a greater portion of the Speed Force. Like the Speed Force is like Wifi and the more people using it the weaker it is for everyone.

    Yes, he explained to Cisco in the alternate timeline how he was able to be in the same room as the Reverse Flash and even made two Harrison Wells.

    Okay, so yes, Jesus is the Son of God. But in the comics the angels refer to God as father, as they were created by him. And Lucifer and Michael are the two favorite creations among the Angels, the first and strongest. So while calling him the son of God is not the best choice of words, it's not entirely incorrect.

    The comic this is based on needed a direct prestige adaptation on pay cable. It didn't need and doesn't deserve a rote and formulaic procedural.

    I thought the weaker one was the one that didn't like Simon because she was always messing up the tasks when Simon tried to talk to her and complaining about him distracting her.

    Nah it was from a different movie that has similar thematic elements.

    He's pissed because they were supposed to be friends and trust each other and Oliver didn't let him in on the plan and just put his family in danger without consulting with him.

    Is Theo Galavan Ras Al'Ghul?

    Is it the guy who's really stupid and smoked weed all the time, or the guy who's ugly and pale but gets inexplicably hot chicks and is always saying sarcastic shit?

    Well, according to him, surviving 9/11 was the impetus for moving to LA and starting his stand-up comedy career. I'm not sure how much that's helped his career but he made it a part of his story.

    Disagree. Days of Future Past was corny. The future scenes were ridiculous. The only part I enjoyed was the Quicksilver scene. I didn't understand why everyone liked it so much.

    X-Men 2 was good and First Class was good, and all the rest were goofy or bad.

    There was a girl in the EU novels that started off as an evil spy or something but eventually befriended Jacen and Jaina Solo who was a non force user who used a lightsaber. I forget what her name was.