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    Actually, Czernobog still gets to hit Shadow once, they were only playing for a second hit or Czernobog goes with Wednesday. The first result was not erased. Czernobog is going to save the hit until they get to Wisconsin.

    It's only rape if someone feels they were raped (unless they are in denial or trying to justify a bad situation) so if both you and her are fine with what happened and both gave enthusiastic consent at the least, then what you did was fine. Of course, every time you have sex with an intoxicated person you run the risk

    She's also a nazi, or is that redundant with the Trump thing?

    Good lucking finding someone on the other side who is actually funny. Seems like all the funny people are liberals.

    Also, what the fuck was Barry doing before Felicity called him? Like shouldn't he already have been there helping them save their captured teammates? He was right there when they were taken and he had to wait for Felicity to call him before he started helping to get them back?

    Did it bug anyone else that the aliens designed their magic pods to not alert them if the people inside escaped? And they added a giant fake building to alert the people inside where the exit was? And they designed an exit for the people inside, I guess in case they accidentally fell into a pod while working on one?

    Its cool that they brought Cyborg Superman into the mix, but it's kind of weird that he doesn't look like Superman, which is why he was called Cyborg Superman in the comics.

    I think 40k is still a lot in the future because several characters working at Westworld have commented that they couldn't afford to go to Westworld.

    The difference is Obama had to deal with the other Republican run branches of government blocking him at every turn. Trump has free reign to do whatever he wants. One party controls every branch of government.

    no comedy comes from punching up! everybody knows that! you gotta punch up!

    And you can do the same to me! Would you look at that!

    just another example of a good looking person being allowed to do anything they want in life even if they aren't particularly good at it

    Does the man believe Amy Schumer raped him? Has he accused her of raping him?

    Courts cannot determine whether someone is truly innocent or guilty of a crime. They can only determine whether there is enough evidence to support that someone did a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. In cases of rape there is little evidence to go on and this is why rapists often go free, especially in the case of

    Jasper respecting Rose's tactics probably referred to her military strategy and direction of her forces rather than her moral fiber.

    Y'all are looking for shocking twists when we're nearing the endgame. Things are going to start going right soon. They're not going to reveal that Jon Snow was a rape baby, especially since the official story is already that Lyanna was raped. The twist is going to be that Lyanna and Rhaegar were actually in love and

    It's possible the showrunners just combined Benjen and Coldhands into one character because it made more sense than whatever George RR Martin was doing. Kind of like how Edric Storm and Gendry got combined because having both characters was completely redundant.

    Perfect, now all the contrarians who thought Jon Snow was Robert's son even though it made no sense and didn't fit into the established narrative can stop infuriating me.

    It makes no sense. The child would not be in danger if it were Robert's. Lyanna would have no reason to ask Ned to promise to raise it as his own. Secondly, there is no reason to even assume that Robert ever had sex with Lyanna. It was an arranged marriage and it is implied that Lyanna did not reciprocate the same

    Some of the wildlings were cannibals. The Thenns I believe. And Rickon's characterization was always as the misbehaving brother, which was reflected in Shaggydog who was the wildest of the direwolves.