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    Every episode is a new person getting Catfished. They have like a thing where you can email your story and the producers pick people based on that. Then they go to their house and meet them and they describe the person they met online that they think is shady. Then they do like really basic detective work that anyone

    How could Theo be an alpha if only a member of Scott's pack could take his Alphaness… It doesn't make sense. The whole point of his plan was to have Liam kill Scott and then take the alpha from Liam… If he could just do it himself why not do that in the first place?

    I'll agree he's pretty good. But it also must be nice to have a rich famous director for a father and have all that free time to work on your shit and all those sweet-ass connections to get it made. While the rest of us have to wait until we get off our job at the Slurp-N-Gurp to work on our spec script for Jason

    lol i once got in trouble for messages from a girl on my facebook that were timestamped from before i had even met my current significant other

    Yeah, it's weird. Y: The Last Man would be an awesome show. Great premise and has a Lost-like mystery + post apocalypse element that people love.

    It's so weird that they already made this a TV show… I've been reading the comic and there are barely any issues out and the story has gone NOWHERE so far. Seems like they jumped the gun a bit on this one based on success of The Walking Dead.

    OH WOW. I never realized that.

    You thought Ioan Gruffud looked 16 in Fantastic Four?

    you try chopping off YOUR dick and see how brave YOU are. you're probably too big of a pussy to chop off your dick and grow a pair of big beautiful tits.

    I once played the handslap game with Jackson Nicoll in a bar after his parents left me alone with him. The kid kept asking me to slap him harder. Truth be told, I found him to be quite unnerving.

    Hassler was in on it though. In a previous episode he talked to Pilcher in the present day and asked him to "call it off." And Pilcher told him that it was already done.

    Especially since this is a prequel.

    I'm the baby? I'm the troll? You're the one throwing a tantrum on a comment thread for a show you don't even like.

    Haha, "for no reason" you're nuts. That scene WAS the reason for Stannis' entire storyline. Everything he ever did was leading up to that, his lowest point. Everything that happens after will be him dealing with the repercussions of it. You can say it offended your tender sensibilities and I can't argue with you

    Who gives a shit if it's in the books or not. This is not the books. This is the TV show. If you want what's in the books, go read the books, they are still there.

    Man, I keep seeing people trot out this theory. It's wrong. It doesn't make sense. Why would it be Robert's kid? Robert never bedded Lyanna as far as you or anyone knows. They were from noble families, they would have waited for the wedding night and they were never wed, just betrothed. Why would Ned keep the

    From the wiki:

    The Faceless Men charge a sliding rate based on what you have to offer and the stature of the potential victim. For Kings Landing to hire them to assassinate a princess, it would have cost a lot of money, but for a poor captain's widow to assassinate a money lender it would have been considerably less and they may

    Rattleshirt is what the Crows call the Lord O' Bones to insult him.

    Malkovich was in the movie version.