
If you want to save $95 on that light, I'll come over to your house and slap you awake for $5 (or free depending on my mood)

Solid "C" episode.

NO! She was searching for the D!

I came here searching for the glorious F!!!!
I was denied.

Insecure gets 8 episodes, Divorce get 10 episodes. WELCOME TO TRUMP'S AMERICA

She was great in that one thing, you know, with that guy who does the thing we think is funny?

Please Purchase Prophylactics. It's a shopping list.

Keystone Light was my college beer in the 90s. I still don't mind a cold one on a hot summer day.

What's the Aubrey Plaza eye-roll count in this? 50? 100? 1000?

You Reagan worshipers get so butt-hurt when anyone says anything negative.

That was a pretty good comparison.

*Rays of sunlight shine down, the sounds of a choir of angels singing*
Behold, the almighty F!

Thank god they spent the extra money to shoot this gem on film!

This movie is crappy but the Not Another Pretty Woman movie sounded CRAPTACULAR

Yep, me too. I can't not watch it after sitting through 7 episodes of the show.

Bands on the Run was so awesome, I wish they would bring that back.

I know, I was like "aren't Soulja Boy and Britney Spears dated references NOW?"

Dammit, this episode was so good. It made me feel the feelings.

When your wife asks you to go to the movies with her, you go. It's called "being a decent human."

Yes. A.A. Dowd reviewed both.