
Yes. You never learned to do it. Because you're so superior.

This doesn't not look like a movie people would go to the theater to see.
On another note, this got the same grade as Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension!

I have such a crush on Carrie Coon, it's ridiculous.
That is all. *sees self out*

Ugh, my wife is dragging me to this tonight after work.

My wife and I saw this today. We thought it was great but we also were (guilty pleasure) fans of the show. So, if you've never seen the show or didn't like the show, this isn't the movie for you. As for the "dude-bro" criticisms, my parents are 70 and 68 years old and they LOVED the show and are seeing it tonight

I would rather they made a Deadwood movie but oh well.

I don't know. I know the cool response will be to slam it and make "dude bro" jokes and whatnot but the show was a guilty pleasure for my wife and I. We'll probably fork over the dough to see this tomorrow.


I agree about Shane West. It's funny that he has second billing on the show and yet he's had like 4 spoken lines all season! What an easy paycheck!
As for Mercy, her tone and delivery take me out of it for it's so obvious this is a woman from 2015. Kind of high-school-playish in her delivery.

Works for me!

Please please please get rid of Mercy. My brain can only handle awful acting for so long…

Was anyone else distracted by Michael Rapaport's chin wart/growth? Maybe just me.

Carolyn always looks like she just smelled a fart.

Yeah, I need to DVR and watch this show immediately upon coming home from work while I'm still slightly alert and not wait until an hour before bed!


The third sequel is just emojis in a text.