
I love this quote and thank you for posting it in full. Really makes me like this guy.

I always enjoyed her Arianna Huffington.

I couldn't agree more. People talk about him being another version of Khan and I shake my head. He didn't bear even a passing resemblance in look or manners to that smooth SOB from TWoK

I swear I've already seen this show.

"Excuse me, I cut my foot before and my shoe is filling up with blood."

I jumped in my seat twice during that movie,

That Deadpool one is great.

That's how I feel about Imitation Game.

Holy shit I just died with laughter. This is one amazing comment.

Rarely has history been so aptly cited.

Don't forget to make them sweaty-looking. Seriously tho, why the hell did everyone look like they needed to wipe their faces? Is that a filter thing?

It's sad how easily I could see this happen.

The creators and writers have often said The Wire is about the drug war and how it affects everyone.

comment of the day

Well now I have to see this I guess.

It should. I mean, I need some life-coaching as well as directions.

I know right. I mean, you beg someone to give you *one* dick injection of coke and they think you two share a history or something.

Why she cares about her job— Without it being perhaps her major modus operandi, I really think her background plays a huge influence on her love of The Knick and her work therein. I think she comes from exactly the type of poor, backwater, rural town Thackery accused her from being in that first episode when he was

Completely agree. There are so many layers to this show; the reviews really bring some of them out. I only wish they were longer.

Ain't no one gonna mess with Cleary.