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    And how much do you wanna bet that Shonda Rhimes will soon be trashing her again just like when her State of Affairs show was announced? She has to remind us that, no, Katherine Heigl pissed her off and left her show and she's difficult and no one is allowed to like her! I'm over the Heigl hate. It's so ridiculous.

    Exactly. This show just hasn't been able to weather the revolving door of characters. It was bad enough to lose Burke and Addison, but when George and Izzie checked out too just a few seasons later, the show was basically cooked. The cast never gelled as well after those losses and then storylines started repeating

    Grey's doesn't invest in any of its characters or storylines anymore. How long have we known Penny on the show? Like half a season, right? Meredith went from not being able to stand the sight of her to praising her in court, and now she's the love of Callie's life, and Callie is uprooting for her .. it's just insane

    C'mon. We know Capcom is gonna fuck RE2make up. They made RE6 ffs. There's just no way. But we can all hold out hope and be supremely disappointed later on!

    Well at least some reviews are listing his performance as a plus so there's that. Maybe he'll get to star in a solo Batman film that isn't directed by sucky Snyder. Cheer up, Ben. Just don't eat your sorrow away and grow moobies again.

    I wonder if anyone ever questioned why you could move the shelves in the library with the push of a switch.

    We need a goddamn proper console sequel to Okami and we needed it yesterday

    Hmm. I love Twilight Princess. It seems like it's received nothing but criticism in the past 10 years.
    I dunno what Zelda U will be like. Nintendo seems to be in their own bubble this gen so who the hell knows. I just hope it's nothing like Skyward Sword… now THAT is a Zelda game that deserves criticism.

    I didn't care for Ultraviolence when I first heard it but, looking back at all of her currently released albums, I think it's actually my favorite. It really grew on me. I was hoping her latest, Honeymoon, would too but no such luck

    I miss the Deku leaf. That was a cool item

    No one cares about Shonda Rhimes' year of yes or that fakeass smile. We all know you're a mega biotch!

    Lol you realize I was defending her right? Chill man, I'm a lanatic

    AVC didn't give it a good review so now it "wasn't well received" … lol bunch of hacks who should just enjoy sniffing their own farts and leave the rest of us alone

    AVC thinks they are the be all end all of criticism. They gave the album a C- so they think, naturally, everyone else must have disliked it as well.

    Lmao. The person who wrote this was like "ah let's see what critics thought of UV", checked AVC's review, and was like "oh guess it wasn't well received". That's how full of shit this site is

    Oh, ha! I didn't even know what site I was posting on … AV club. That explains it

    Doesn't sound like I'd want to be liked by anyone who hangs around this site anyway. Peace!

    ^ alt account. Sad.

    Oh shove it. Do you get off on pretending that you're better than everyone? Do you think you're smarter? You're not. Please stop what you're doing … drop the act. Somewhat friendly advice: literally no one likes people like you.

    Uh huh. I meant the reason he can't stand her now makes no sense. And you knew that was what I meant.