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    Oh ok. That makes no sense whatsoever.

    Ultraviolence wasn't well received huh? I like how even after she proves herself as an artist to the snobby music critics, people still love to hate on her. That's not to suggest that Born To Die was a bad album … just that it went over most people's heads and that caused them to go ape shit. Some folks will never get

    I love how people act like Heigl kicked their puppy or something. Are people still that mad over….? lol

    Lol there is certainly *a* market for mobile games. A very casual market that would have absolutely no interest in something like Metroid. No one who likes Metroid wants it to move to a mobile platform, unless it's the 3DS.

    Excellent analysis. The author should send this over to Nintendo HQ…

    The worst thing about Scandal is how it acts like Fitz and Olivia are some great romance story for the times. Fitz is an awful person and president, why is Olivia even …. ? Ugh. Does anyone actually give a damn about this couple getting back together? I hate that they ended the episode like that, as if that's what

    Finally. Let's hear some of those Ultraviolence songs live please. Hole had some good songs too I guess

    but italics totally do make your point, good sir! Anyway, Emmy win aside, she is still a good dramatic actress

    She didn't shit on it, she literally said it was "a little bit sexist". That's it! Geez, people act like she was responsible for the 9/11 attacks for saying that. Judd Apatow said she was a pleasure to work with and she said she enjoyed making the film as well. Get over it, people.

    Katherine Heigl made some terrible rom coms, but people tend to forget that she is actually a very good dramatic actress. She won an Emmy for her work on Grey's Anatomy. My guess is that since she was out of the game for a while (even longer if you count her rom com binge, in which she wasn't flexing any acting

    I don't know why they were so forceful about this. The ad on Apple's website is so creepy "The new album from U2 is here. And it's already in your iTunes music library." It reminds me of a horror movie when the serial killer calls the victim and is like "I"m already in your house!!"
    They could have just made it a free

    Oh man. This poor fool is gonna waste her last dollars trying to win this frivolous lawsuit. I actually feel kinda bad for her.