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    I was worried about all the collaborations and the length of the album. Lana has been known to throw in a lot of filler, as evidenced by Honeymoon. But I think the album turned out amazing and the collabs were great. It's her first album where I don't feel like any song is filler. She managed to create such an

    I just want it to be be as incredible as Super or Prime 1.

    Stephanie was underutilized and she was never going to breakthrough the bloated cast to really shine and become the wonderful character that the show gave brief glimpses of … this episode was a great sendoff for her and I'm happy she made it out alive. Grey's keeps chugging along so I think we'll see her again before

    because when they have to kill a character off sometimes logic just goes out the window. The dude was seriously injured … that part when she pushed him on the stairs and he somehow still got the drop on her?? That made zero sense. She could have taken him, easily.

    lol she should have just gotten into her car, left and vowed to never set foot in that hospital again

    Eh. The end with Stephanie lighting that f*cker on fire was pretty riveting, but Grey's has killed off too many main characters in spectacular fashion for me to really feel "riveted". Grey's is like when you're having a bad day and sh*tty things keep happening and eventually you just throw your hands up and stop

    People will shit all over Heigl as usual, but I think this is a fun role for her. I'm glad she finally branched out from the romantic comedy blah-ness

    you suck, you weiner!

    Can someone explain Jackson's hotness to me? He looks like an Oompa Loompa imo. Is it just his body or…?

    For sure. Shonda writes Meredith like she's this big catch when she isn't. A Meredith in the real world wouldn't have even gotten Derek, let alone have all these men fawning over her over the course of the series. She'd be forever single

    Oh dear lord yes. Add April, Jackson, and Owen to that list too please.

    Ugh, good lord. This was their chance to make Maggie a little more likeable. I thought they were gonna do it with the victorious surgery, but then she went into bratty Maggie mode almost immediately after. I'm really over her. You know she's gonna have a temper tantrum over Meredith and Riggs too. It's coming. That's

    One thing I've learned: NEVER listen to what they say the season is going to be about before it airs. They always lie through their teeth.

    I just cannot bring myself to care about Jackson or April. They've both annoyed me consistently since they joined the cast. I don't like these character-centric episodes either … regulars like Meredith and Alex have gone multiple episodes this season without making a single appearance. Grey's needs to downsize their

    I'm amazed. After the shitstorm of ORC, RE6, and Umbrella Corps (and the mediocrity of the Revelations games), I thought RE was done for. I never imagined they'd be able to do something like this …. I'm actually excited to play a RE game for the first time since before 5 was released.

    Yeah.. they're working way too hard to promote this movie. To the point of it seeming like the studio has no confidence in it

    Well really, it's the announcer. You'd think they'd go through the list of names they have to say and make sure they're pronouncing them right … seems like a big part of the job.

    and she probably got paid more for that than you'll earn in the next 10 years

    For someone whose career has supposedly ended according to a lot of people, she certainly has a new movie and a new tv show ….

    Roswell that ends well