
I agree we all watch for the main character's development, and the murder is secondary, but I would appreciate a bit more suspense in figuring out who dun-it. There were only two possibilities this evening - Chloe or the head of the non-profit (who reminded me of Rob Reiner). I honestly don't know how they can

Did it bother anyone else that Sheldon't mother, Mary Cooper (Laurie Metcalf), yelling at him from another room sounded nothing like the voice of Metcalf? In fact, she sounded more like Howard's mother.

Being a woman, it didn't do much for me. The scene was so over played (had you been watching the acting instead of the cleavage, you would have notice) it was ridiculous. However, I don't begrudge you your perspective - enjoy.

How does Oliver give this a B-? He didn't like anything about the episode, but it is still "above average". Except for the episodes where Leonard's mother is humiliating him, this is my least favorite in seven seasons. Come on, Writers!!!

The Brownstone has almost become a character. i like the idea of location shots, but NY is home.

You have been posting longer than I. I spent most of my past commenting time on Dexter, but as that has ended, I moved to Elementary. I watch Criminal Minds, but no one reviews it?? I am surprised they allow duplicate names. Since our avatars are different, it shouldn't be a problem. I have never met a Paula I didn't

I have watch that movie multiple times and did not remember the small rocks line. Thanks for the reminder. The man in the background with the shaving cream always makes me laugh.

I concede the trivia award on tenure to you, fritzoid, congrats (seriously - not sarcasm)! Cal-poly advertises computer software engineers without a PhD (couldn't find physicists salaries - so, this is ball-park) start between $80,000 - $108,000. Sheldon and Leonard have been there for close to a decade and have

I wrote a response to "no one" - the first commenter on this thread, concerning Clyde. I think there is a heath issue with Clyde - hope I am wrong.

There were a lot of people sitting in the courtroom watching the proceedings. I understand Gregson and the Commissioner + entourage, but who were the others and why? Bell's family??

Read down further - lots of people agree.

Rocks, even small ones (pebbles) float? Just asking, not being mean. I am assuming humor, but I teach teenage so am never sure.

Thomas, I replied to "no one" when perhaps I should have been posting to you concerning the duck…. As I post, I am rummaging for my DVD of The Holy Grail.

She could become a paid consultant for NYC Police for a few episodes, but it could only be short term. You cannot have Holmes without his foil. The series has moved passed the Gregson -Holmes split last season, so such story-lines would have to be temporary.

Nice post. The only comment I have is about, "In the judge's words, he thinks he's above the rules." I think Sherlock follows "rules" implicitly, only they are his rules not society's rules. I think he holds himself to a higher standard, as demonstrated by his protectiveness of the knight. Joan acts as a touchstone

So agree about knowing the doctor was the murderer immediately. It didn't ruin the show, but it would be nice if there was a little more suspense. I also kept wondering if the doctor was on chemo with the bald head. Sympathy hairdo?

The wardrobe department is working over-time with L.L.'s clothing and now Bell's t shirt. How many hospitals allow patients to wear their own cloths when they are in the hospital, especially immediately post-surgery when he had to pull a tight shirt over his head and semi-paralyzed limb (perhaps he was no longer in

Being that I have taught Medieval lit., I loved the references to the knight's code. Usually the article of clothing shared by the Lady is hidden, as the Lady is often married.The poor, delusional knight was hearing voices, which the doctor was aware, due to conversations with the deceased. Maybe the doctor knew how

It seems "Paulas" have much to say. Different tone perhaps, but always interesting.

Yes, of course! I love metaphors (glad they didn't go with "Bell's-Palsy") Thanks. Again, I have never had a reviewer respond to posts, it makes this a more enjoyable dialogue.