
Jar Jar Binks

That would have been perfect! Lavar Burton could have done it; he seems to make random guest appearances. Maybe it would have been too many guest stars for one episode. What about Stuart Bloom?

I have been disappointed by some previous episodes this season, but this one was fun all the way. I think it deserved at least a B+, if not an A-

This whole thread is a spoiler alert - correct? In Episode Two, the murders (murder actually, since the second didn't die) were committed by stabbing the victim in the back with something so sharp and narrow that the person won't feel it or be injured until they take off a tight belt. Is that correct?? Did that

How long until next season? I very much enjoy Sherlock, but this has not been my favorite season. I felt like I got whiplash watching as they switched from scene to scene. The jokes weren't as clever as before, and Sherlock didn't have to be as "Sherlocky" to solve the crimes. It was as if Sherlock was just a good

If you thought episode one had pacing and cutaway issues, you might skip 2 & 3. I had whiplash at the end of two and never really figured out how the first 5 minutes of episode 3 connected to the rest of the story. I still enjoyed all three episodes but not as much as the first two seasons. Love, love, love Sherlock's

A rerun? Rats!

This week's rerun was my favorite episode of the season - but I still don't like reruns in the winter!!

Yes, that and the jokes about Watson's mustache (one or two would be OK, but it didn't get funnier with repetition), and the way they dealt with Watson's anger. I loved the bit about Holmes' parents. I enjoyed previous episodes and this just seemed flat. Still worth watching.

Sherlock has more time to develop a story line, too. I would vote for Elementary going to a 1 1/2 hour long program.

I like both. They are very different; if you don't compare them, I think it makes them both more enjoyable. I would have rated Sherlock a tiny bit better the first two seasons but was disappointed with the Season Three opener. Hopefully, it will get back on track. As you can tell from my avatar - Basil Rathbone will

Amy had a short stint dating Stewart. It drove Sheldon to push their relationship from "a girl who is a friend" to "girlfriend". The theater scene where Sheldon joined in on the Amy-Stewart date was funny.

I almost yelled at my TV, "Don't open the door!". Good misdirect.

Being pregnant (if she is) would not mean she is leaving.

I was going to post about the over-use of exposition in this episode, which McNutt also mentioned, but you beat me to it. It is a reoccurring shortcoming, but one I am usually willing to tolerate. This week was too much. Perhaps I was tired last night, but I had to force myself to continue listening - and I love to

You had me confused for a minute (thank you, Google). I am older, so I didn't know there was a band named They Might Be Giants. One of my favorite movies is There Might Be Giants, starring George C Scott (early 70s). I don't really get your reference, but I do like being reminded of the movie - yes, random.

I look forward to Thursdays for TBBT and Elementary, the only two shows I routinely watch. This past episode just left me sad. All three story lines were depressing. While I think the writers have gotten lazy in the past few seasons, I have hung in there and been a faithful viewer. I always laugh despite the jokes


I need to work on my writing skills. I was attempting to tease haysoos about his "Penny attraction" in an apparent failure at humor. I realize the imagined scenes were spoofs. I will be searching my local community college for a writing refresher course immediately.