Crow's New Hair

To be fair, they only said "August 23", they didn't specify which year.

To be fair, they only said "August 23", they didn't specify which year.

Uh, had a slight Kinja malfunction. But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?
—Ernie The Kinja Tech

Buzz off, Disqus!

Jesus Christ! Stop posting Newswires so I can fucking leave!

Reposted from last night, because I didn't expect Reasonable Discussions before the switch:

It would be fitting if the last new content under Disqus on AV Club is a shitty Great Job, Internet.

One last thing to leave you with:

You can send me a message through YouTube via the link I attached. I'll also be claiming this username on Kinja, if not using it, so I guess through that also.

This is it, the last Disqus What's On Tonight. And, finally, my last actual post here. My apologies for any redundancy. I wasn't sure if WOT would be posted. Without further ado…

(Of course, the minute I post my goodbye, Hughes posts another Newswire. This is probably it for me if there isn't a What's On Tonight. Promise)

(Ok, I don't think there's going to be another Newswire tonight, and I'm not 100% sure if there'll be a What's On Tonight, so I'll post my prepared final comment. If there's another Newswire tomorrow morning, I'll repost it.)

Its The X-Commenters!

Lorne assured fans that while the show may be live coast-to-coast, the jokes will still be 20 years old.

You just made me laugh out loud AND hate myself.
Good job!

You're not Wong.

Technically correct. The best kind of correct.

My only question: In that photo, why is Margaret Cho made up to look like an Asian Laura Palmer?

That's so offensive!

I remember one time, in an Idris Elba Newswire about him possibly being Bond, someone said "Oh boy, here comes the casual racism."
And I said:
"Damn it, racism! Put on a tux!"