Victoria Ramirez

He and Betty can be together in "a better place"

I'm okay with the Steggy development because it's been laid out for us over and over again for 4 seasons (and 5 years in-universe). It felt earned & not rushed to me!

It's heavily implied that he left early-ish in her life and Joan was raised primarily (or only) by her mother.

He's come a long way from "If I'm going to die, I want to die in Manhattan."

I love(d) Betty so much and I'm sad, but this had to happen. When we first met her in S1 she was distraught by her own mother's recent death. Now Sally will have to go through the same thing, though I hope she's better equipped to move on from it and have a well-adjusted life.


Agreed. He'd also have little reason to upgrade since he presumably doesn't drive it much living in New York, and also hates himself, stuff like that

We first saw the tentacle porn in S3E1, in the aftermath of the PPL acquisition. Cooper says it reminds him of their business.

How quickly one forgets "I'm President of the Howdy Doody Circus Army!"

"It's freedom from fear. It's a billboard on the side of the road that screams reassurance that whatever you are doing is okay. You are okay."

I had the same thought. And both kids were conceived with groundbreaking female coworkers who are in some ways as different as Roger & Pete, yet their lives also intersect in interesting ways.

Bert would love the Randian efficiency, no question. It's Coca-Cola, Don!

A rich dude in late-life crisis mode would presumably be on the cutting edge of fashion, though. I trust Janie Bryant knows what she's doing here… I will be interested to see Tom & Lorenzo's style recap this week (just like every week).

H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks' Bells, Trudy!

The whole exchange between him & Peggy with Don in the middle was perfect.

I only vaguely remember it - but others have pointed out that Joan alludes to her first marriage (previous to Dr. Rapist) when her friend from Mary Kay visits in S6. http://blogs.amctv.com/mad-…

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I thought this episode was great, much better than last week's (which I also liked) A-graded ep.

Harry Crane is terrible, but Pete's still a rapist.

I think Stan was in a relationship (maybe the same one) when he slept with Frank Gleason's daughter in the office.

As Betty said way back when, he doesn't understand money.