Weird how tastes differ., I always thought the video game episode was really good. In fact, top 10 Community episodes of all time good.
Weird how tastes differ., I always thought the video game episode was really good. In fact, top 10 Community episodes of all time good.
2, 3, 1, 5, 4
Episode: B-
Season: B+
Rick & Morty has had such innovative, mind-blowing episodes that I don't know how to judge eps like this anymore. I thought this was pretty weaksauce. I prefer it when the throwing random crap thrown together is balanced by having a point. And "Rixty Minutes" was way more interesting on the "random crap" front. By far…
I wasn't sure about the improvisational bits, they were a bit hit-or-miss. A few gold nuggets though. "It's just called Two Brothers" *laughter*. Classic! And of course, just when I was starting to think that it was going to be another lesser episode, they hit me in the face with Morty's revelation to Summer and Jerry…
Now I've had a week to digest this weird-ass episode, I'd like to give it an A.
If it weren't for the peanut rap, I'd give it a B- (useless chemistry books storyline, didn't like Annie's brother as a character). But y'know, peanut rap. And Abed's rain apology was damn clever. So, a B.
Slightly disappointing episode. It seemed to make fun of shitty humor (the gender jokes, the farts, Rick's catchphrase and fourth-wall breaking) without bringing too much of its own cleverness to it. Then again, the previous episodes were at an almost superhuman level, so I guess I've been fucking spoiled.
I have the feeling Jeff is no longer the main character of the show. The first two episodes this season dealt with him failing to make a life outside of Greendale and coming to terms with the fact that he's back there, as a teacher. But in the episodes after that it seems like he's accepted his role as another…
If Britta leaves, I'm done with Community.
Did Abed just learn sign language in a day?
A solid B. The main plot was the weakest one and the pacing was off, but everything to do with the Bear Down for Midterms dance was hilarious. Not sure what to think of the Britta and Abed plot…
Britta Britta'd this episode.
Can I give an A+?
The thing about Community is that when I read posts like these, I'm never sure if the fans are reading too much into it or if the writers really put that much effort into the tiniest of details. I guess both.
Opinions are a strange thing, man. I felt exactly the same about last week's episode, which people were also gushing about (although not as much as over this episode). I found it infuriating.
A-, The episode was filled with laughs and they used most of the characters really well. Particularly Troy (and surprisingly, Chang!) were on fire. But it should come as no surprise as Community always works best with the characters around the table.
Holy shit that was a perfect episode. Poor Jerry.
It's nice to see that Disney is doing great again after a terrible decade. It started with Princess and the Frog - that had its kinks, but there were still many things to like, and they've grown more assured with each new film. Too bad that a new 2D animated film from them seems like a pipe dream, but watching Tangled…