
Jane is such a hypocrite. Hey Jane, remember when the men you had feelings for respected your decision and did not pressure you into having sex with them? Poor Fabian, did not quite get similar treatment from you. A bit off topic but I honestly can't believe the person Jane has become. I absolutely ADORED her in

Gotcha, thanks.

Not what I meant. "not knowing that he’s the JP (Jerky Pants) the police have been looking for." I don't recall hearing anything about the police looking for someone named JP before, but I'm guessing it had happened, I just wasn't paying attention. Why are they looking for him?

This show really suffers from having some damn nice supporting characters and not a lot of ways to utilize them. JtV supporting characters spinoff anyone?

Wait, so who's JP again? I seriously don't recall hearing about him before, must have missed it. (Should I pay more attention to the show? Maybe. Will I? Absolutely not. Yaaaawn.)

Haven't read the book but I think Yvonne Strahovski confirmed in some interview that they kept that in.

Captain Marvel uniform, to be precise.

I really wasn't a fan of her before but she's pretty incredible on this show.

Yara is a main cast member on a different show, not this one, unfortunately.

This was probably the worst season of television of I've ever seen.


I'm not talking about the shape of the body, I'm talking about Annalise's scream - she'd wouldn't have reacted so bad if it was just Drake or somebody she doesn't care about. And even in her close circle, her reaction to Asher's body would've been different than if it were Wes or Nate. That's a bummer though, that the

Agreed. He was my favorite in season 1, now I can't really stand him anymore.

They must have known by the time the footage made it to the cutting room though? Otherwise that's sloppy editing.

You've got a point!

I've seen people call it Wessel and I think that's perfect hahaha

It is so Wes under the sheet. Frank is Laurel's baby daddy but she was actually at Annalise's house because of Wes. Something happened and Wes the puppy sacrificed himself in order to save her/help her chances. Frank would not cause Annalise to scream the way she screamed. Connor is the most obvious red herring I've

Chloes? Sophias?

Holy cow, I didn't know any of this. That's terrible.

It's all good, no worries.