
AltLivia and Blue/AmberVerse Lincoln (the one with glasses) on Fringe.

The Tick wraps shooting in a month or so, so definitely not colliding with JtV shooting.

Yara had had A LOT of free time throughout JtV's entire run, it's always been Bridget who had to juggle several shows. Why wouldn't they use Yara more, I'll never know.

Standing ovation for Luisa Alver.

I thought this was a FANTASTIC episode. Possibly even my favorite this season, the pilot aside.

So I'm not the only one. Thank you. I got yelled at about the same thing last week hahaha.

Luisa isn't just really needy, the plot is. Rose could have very well stayed wherever they are without Luisa for a week or two, and a few episodes back Luisa could've stayed at the hotel without Rose for a bit. But how else would they move the plot forward? This is so not cheap writing.

I have friends who's favorite shows are ones where nothing happens. I'm sure they're gonna love this one. As for me, I'll pass.

So now I'm gonna have to start watching this show again for Bridget Regan, goddamnit. (Loved it back in the day, stopped after s9, never looked back.)

Hm, that's an interesting idea, I hadn't thought of that.

I agree about June's nod and 'permission', it felt completely uneccessary, and more about June, when the situation was supposed to be about Emily.

Emily's joyride left me shaking. What an incredible scene. The end of it surprised me a little, I had assumed she was gonna attempt to drive away as far as she could (definitely seemed like a suicide mission more than an escape attempt to me, she couldn't possibly manage to drive far, through various checkpoints, far

You make very good points. :) However, I did just realize, based on the press release for the finale, Luisa is in the hotel, just off screen. What are the chances of Mateo or the twins (who actually live there) running into her in the hallway or something?

Alba as Miranda was the only one who didn't work for me. Obviously they needed to use Alba in that scene somehow, but I do wonder which other character could be Miranda.

I'm not saying Jane forced him, of course not. But the way she was pushing him and frankly was being pretty rude to him throughout most of the episode was not cool.
I still watch the show because I really like most of the other characters. And I wish I could still like Jane too.

I thought it was quite nice that not every native Spanish speaker on this show speaks perfect (if slightly accented) English. It's realistic.

I hope they come up with something interesting, after all we've already had the stalker storyline.

Do you speak a second language? These two words might sound similar to you but not necessarily to non-native English speakers. And genre is a somewhat obscure word, it's possible he's never even heard it.

I don't think they specified that it was the night Scott murder, but Luisa and Rose were at the Marbella "around that time", and they were otherwise busy in their room, didn't leave it.

If Catholicism in Mexico is anything like it is in Poland, /everything/ is blessed by a priest. Everything.