
Wild idea - instead of turning the movie into a tv show, put the musical on Broadway. Or air that on tv Legally Blonde-style.

I'm sorry about the spoiler, I guess?

And that's a damn shame.

There was a picture of them in the next episode on spoilertv, they're still in the submarine.

He did. So they know that Rose is somehow involved but I don't think they know Rose was actually Susanna, they probably think the two were working together to take down Elena. And in the past they would've gone straight to Luisa whenever they found out something re: Rose, it's unusual that they didn't do that this

And she was supportive of him when he was a careless playboy, when he had cancer, and throughout his marriage to Petra. Then things got out of hand for /everybody/ but after a while they have calmed down. Luisa stopped drinking, got over Rose (or so she thought…), and tried to make amends, but he just wouldn't listen

That is true, I'm not denying that, but I wish he didn't keep saying that he has no family left when he actually very much does.

Ha! That was funny. But seriously, not /everything/ on this show is supposed to be straight out of a telenovela and make zero sense whatsoever.

I'm so glad they solved the Alba mystery, no sarcasm!

Rafael is a really nice guy, really good guy, I truly believe that, but the way he treats his sister is just horrible. She tries, but it's so easy to get back to bad habits (alcohol and Rose) when you have absolutely no support from the people around you, especially from your ONE remaining family member.

It's not for the lack of trying on her part…

Jane's face after that was priceless!

Making characters bi for shock value? You cannot be serious.

It's so nice that they did not torture us with every day in the hospital after Michael's fun meeting with Susanna, but jumping seven weeks ahead also means Luisa has been in that submarine with Rose for seven weeks and we still know absolutely nothing. And I mean, seven weeks, that's kind of ridiculous. Are we

Must have missed that bit, thanks!

There were entry points in the movie, I half expected the fountain Dolores was looking at to be one.

According to… some article with the showrunner I read earlier this week, several people died in the park already. I hope Logan's death will be the most ridiculous yet.

That's what I would like to know as well.

Would a(n asshole) brother-in-law encourage cheating on his sister though? Legit question.

I do wonder if the show is gonna eventually introduce Roman and Medieval worlds and I can't say I'm a fan of the idea. I'd rather they focus completely on the many storylines in the West.