
Man in Black storyline has become so, so boring. I was interested in it in the beginning but by now it feels like a waste of screentime. And the William/Logan (?) storyline has been boring from the start, no change there. Meaves story was really, really good, though, I'm always looking forward to her story (and

I thought she was really good on Dexter.

Yes, I absolutely loved the hair salon scene!

I was relieved that Wes and Laurel did not end up smooching at the end of the episode. Let's keep it that way. It would feel like incest. Which BTW is exactly what Frank and Bonnie looked like. Now the people who should hook up are Annalise and the president. So much chemistry! I'd be very interested in exploring more

Are we ever gonna be able to stop expecting the hook up to happen at one point or another? I doubt it.

Donuts were mentioned though, on several occasions. It's Luisa and Rose's post-coital snack, it's what Luisa goes to get in early season 1 before she almost gets caught sleeping with Rose, it's what Rose brings to Luisa when she visits her in the mental institution, and Luisa tells Rose's limo driver that if she wants

Exactly! But I guess that would've been a much too simple solution and thus less interesting storyline.

That is exactly how I feel. But the screwed up part is Rose, the worst possible person for her, seems to actually care about her, and sadly we can't really say that about her family, even though they are actually good people. (Did Rafael even bother to check on her after the shooting? Before or after they figured out

I really did not think Rose would go as far as to drug and kidnap Luisa. Can we lower the creepiness level please? Rose has been toxic, terrible on so many levels, but she wasn't creepy, at least not in front of Luisa? Earlier it had seemed she would have had respected Luisa's decision, whatever that decision might

You're right, that'd be a fantastic video game!

I actually am not. ;) Dolores/Teddy romance is easily my least favorite part of the entire show. And as so many before me have stated, this show needs more gay guys (and girls).

But should they? I'd rather not see that, and everything leading to it.

Wasn't there A LOT of gay relationships, as well as flings on True Blood?

Hell yeah, let's find James Marsden a yes-homo bro, and Evan Rachel Wood a gal pal, and stop with this nauseating harlequin romance.


Annalise around Eve is the most comfortable we've ever seen her. And it's so, so very nice to see.

But that's literally his only use on the show, being a cop who can help find things out for Annalise. And that's disappointing, he doesn't have a whole lot of personality and storyline without Annalise.

So I assumed Frank killed Bonnie's father partially as a 'favor' to his friend, but also to get her, someone who's so close to Annalise, on her side. Thus the "Don't tell Annalise". Am I wrong on this?

We've been over this all last season, Kayla's opinion on the episode is always totally different from everyone else's in the comments.

Petition to replace Nate with Eve as a regular.