Andy Ryan

It's Barbara Windsor.

It's Barbara Windsor, who is in many British newspapers today for having her final appearance in long-running soap opera Eastenders. She is 78.

Batman doesn't kill himself at the end of The Dark Night Returns. He fakes his own death. Quite a difference.

What similar experiences have you had such that you can make that judgement?

Boo hoo?

So is thinking before you post moronic comments about giggling in response to a story about harassment.

You're giggling at sexual harassment? Who's your favourite comedian, Bill Cosby?

You could have said 'a whole lot of Axl Rosie'

"I tried IMDBing what Michael J. Fox movie would be a reinforcement of capitalism"

That was Garfield put in the Rough, or something. Was pretty scary too, as you say. Set on 'Lake Woebegone'.

Not really.

Ronald Lacey, the Bishop, was the face-melting Nazi in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Just to let you know - I read it.

What's the exclamation marks mean in your post above, after book?

I was thinking it was a Steed-like move, but as soon as you mentioned the above episode I remembered the specific scene. Thanks!

My wife came in during that scene and said 'Oh, it's Hank'.

Hey, what the?



When Coltrane burst through the door, which he fills, it's VERY similar to his scene years later near the start of Harry Potter when he tells young Potter he's a wizard.