Daniel Johnson

The endless subtle digs at insane masculinity is one of the greatest things about this show. The obsession with 'barmaids' in the VR (especially when Monica tears apart Keenans tech right when Richard is day dreaming at looking at the 'barmaid' wherever he wants for as long as he wants) and the way Richard sabotages

and they're not even touching the UK. Booooooooo

Man having worked in four different bars (of varying types, old man pub, student bar, trendy upmarket place etc) some of the moments in this show ring all too true. It hurts to watch its so close. But christ was that good.

Leon Bridges - "Smooth Sailin'"

City of Angels doesn't get enough credit. 'You're Nothing Without Me' is an incredible pre-interval showstopper.

Two things: was anyone else a little bit scared? That haunted house looked fucking terrifying from viewing - do they exist? (I'm an Englishman, massive fan of gay wolverine of course)
Secondly, what was the song at the end?
Another stellar episode. I loved the very last bit with Lindsey in her house full of carnage -

Vernon's Monologue in full, for anyone who's interested:
"Becca and I used to have so much fun but when I come home now I can never win because she's talking about she's "harnessing the very power of life itself", so who gives a crap if I just made it so some old biddy will be able to plant some bulbs next spring. And

Jimmy's response to Dorothy at the breakfast table gave me the biggest laugh of the episode. His comic timing cannot be faulted. But otherwise, one of the best episodes I've watched in a while; I didn't cry whilst watching it, but it had me going good when I thought about it after, which I think is more telling of

Having just read the headline I hope that means literally, and the next Die Hard see's Brucey as a wise-cracking cop who travels through time with his straight-laced robot partner. I mean they might as well?

Mostly okay, one truly bad segment (the one mentioned in the review). Trick 'r' Treat is definitely better as a whole. But the last segment was fucking ace. Serious cop drama about man eating pumpkins, played completely straight with all the awful dialogue? ("I spose I better take you for that drink now") I am there.

So the lame ass pop music doesn't help the trailer but I see some sort-of potential here because there's a nice little shot around 1:36. That's all I'm clinging onto, because I loved these games.

I knew it wasn't Ty. And I like how the show immediately pretty much berated anyone for thinking it might be, by showing Gretchen's absolute revulsion of him - we all know Jimmy is a way better match, both mentally and sexually, it's shown in the second episode of the entire show.

More films like 'Monster House' please. That was good. And actually kinda creepy whilst still managing to be very obviously 'zany' and a family film, unlike say, Coraline, which was pretty much just all out scary.

Is he MEANT to seem about 20 years older than her, and really creepy? His make-up and hair design is fantastic - for an evil stalker in a psychological thriller.

I'll be pretty pissed off if that results in her being pregnant. Because to me the shows too smart - and thus knows how smart we the audience are - to think that could in anyway work. To me its just another coloration to Lindsey's desperation and, to be blunt, stupidity. I can, however, see the writers pulling a

We know that the sex that Gretchen has with said director is nothing compared to that with Jimmy, so why would she? She didn't like him as a person either.

I hope this means you ALSO actually said these words out loud whilst on your own.

Had some of the best one-liners of the entire show so far. The scrambled eggs one good god. But what was impressive with this episode is how usually the inherent darkness runs through, with people being self destructive throughout. The not-so-cold open was the most comfortable I've felt about Gretchen and Jimmy being

The Social Network brings to mind another great Fincher trailer, which was for gone girl. I think it was the second one, which once again was great because of the music choice, a fantastic cover of 'She'. It was paired amazingly with the images and hinted at the dark and ironic sense of humour the film had. And then

"Get in that cocktail banana, you fancy now."