
……yes? :\

Finally someone tells it like it is.

Good one.

No surprise dark fantasy isn't considered horror by young people these day. Explains all the mirthless zombie movies.

What, that kid screaming at you nonstop for about 90 minutes wasn't the best thing you'd ever seen?

Trick 'r Treat was really good. I'd put that on my 10.

Land of the Dead holds up pretty well on repeat viewings. While most new zombie movies take the "we're alone surviving against zombies" angle and don't really want to deviate too much, Land has some pretty neat ideas. After that movie though I can't explain what Romero was thinking.

Well those are in my top 10. Frailty for certain. And I feel like Ti West has a magnum opus in the works someday.

Below was really good.. that was after 2000 right?…

I can remember around 2005 telling people that I was pretty sure (since I'm such a rigorous know it all) that zombies had run their course. And then year after year it was like watching someone tell the same joke over and over hoping it would eventually catch on.

Noroi: The Curse is probably the best horror movie to come out of Japan this century but yeah - adjusts fedora - you've probably never heard of it.

It's probably a generational thing, but I don't get the massive amounts of love for Zombieland.

This comment is severely underupvoted.

I'm confused about the tense. "is going to want…"? Like it's a new podcast? And not one of the most critically acclaimed of all time?

It's never funny when you're the butt of the joke.

I'll probably rage when I get an NX, but I will get one. It's been a frustrating ride with the Wii U. Really dug Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart, and Smash and a few others, and yes Zelda will be pretty great, but Nintendo has treated the Wii U like Sony has the Vita, which is also a pretty good system (if mainly for PS1

Do you think you'll get your own Dishonored 2 after what leaked last night?

It's a good movie. I think every young screenwriter should see it to exercise it from their system. One of my earliest scripts (you may remember my work from the piles of discarded paper on the floor) was a similar angst-riddled meditation on the importance of college years. Man, am I glad I never made that. *shudders*

Not having seen YMaR yet, I can't say if they deliberately mislead the audience of the film (an important distinction between misleading the targets). O'Keefe frequently would lie to his supporters about what he did, like his first stunt where he gave people the impression he went to Acorn dressed as a pimp when he

Hey I had a few #cancelcolbert buttons left in my pocket I was going to hand out. Any idea where they went?