
It's like when you say you'll stop drinking scotch but within hours you're combing through the couch cushions looking for change to buy a Steel Reserve.

lol that was an incredible angle. "Mwah ha I will throw the world into chaos by… *checks script* … negotiating an armistice."

This seems to jive with the sequel pitting WW against the Soviets.

Wow, what a fucking drama queen crybaby you turned out to be :/

counterpoint: they should be punched

Maybe a 'Crazy Steve Begins?'

If Wise's recent roles are any indication (God's Not Dead 2), he's been practicing that smile a bit.

Ok look, I'm not saying all Trump supporters explode in a flurry of rage at the drop of a hat after they make fools of themselves online. All I'm saying is that statistically speaking, they don't get their deposit back from their apartment.

You kind of deserve a medal, really. Trump voters are powder kegs of explosive violence (and they can do damage online too), especially the ones who make claims of rationality while using "emotional" as their preferred insult. Ever been to Brietbart? Not exactly a sane haven of casual discourse..

A testy, combative guy describing everyone but himself as emotional? I don't see where this is going because I haven't seen this exact thing 100 times already.

What we need is for every Christian to be screened and policed. Especially after these mongrels have shown they're less than human.

On a more positive note, you know who I'm amazed is still alive and doing things? Bob Dylan. Sometimes I reflect on that and it feels like someone had one wish and used that to put us all on an alternate timeline where Dylan didn't die in the late 70's.

That's what the 'ish' was for. I meant he wasn't in a situation like Jim Morrison or Kurt Cobain or Elvis.

As grim at it sounds, there could've been any number of more tragic ways for him to go. Drugs, freak accident, etc. So many legendary rock stars die young and unexpectedly. Dying with your family after a long-ish life and having just released one of the best albums of your late career is pretty good, all things

There's a lot to be said about shooting a big budget sequel and splitting it up as parts 2 and 3 of a trilogy. Acts 1 and 2 constituting movie 2 and the third act is the entire third film.

I used to work at Borders some years ago and with some frequency there was this one young guy who would come to the store and try to talk my ear off about Terry Brooks novels. I was and am prone to fantasy novels and I'd usually indulge him. I remember he smelled like mom-prepared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

I imagine you'll figure this out once you're older.

Empathy can't be learned? Glad you're not US Secretary of Determining Who is Empathetic or Not…

Catty ice?

too soon?