
Honestly I blame Fury Road for my personal lack of interest in JW. Curse you, practical effects wizards!

Strange Days was so ahead of its time. It's still as close as I've seen a movie come to capturing that ensemble cast William Gibson feeling for me.

Eee coodinit fix y'toolit. Eet's fookin broowken.

Or an agoraphobic extroverted person with a claustrophobic introverted person.

Ughhh. He would have been so good for Late Show.

I'm boycotting his MRA-pandering "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or whatever it's called.

I figured most of the media suits had expunged him from the limelight after he tried to use his fame to advocate for higher pay for pilots.

Ha. I read about this game a lot. It always looked so fun to me, but unfortunately I was too young to outright buy it myself and my parents definitely would be appalled at the idea of a subscription game as they barely could deal with paying $60-$80 for Nintendo games. Fortunately I was really engrossed in Deus Ex at

Honestly it's more that the production didn't allow for a character gazing out a car passenger window as scenery flies by. Cost cutting measures and so forth.

I had that feeling with GTA V for a while, but after I got used to how it expected you to play - and allowed you to play - I warmed up to it. I like that I have the option to ride a cab to anywhere and stare out the window in first person while in real life I can sip a drink. That's a pretty novel game sensation for

Furthermore, it should be noted again that Master of Orion: Battle at Antares is so wonderfully acronymed as MOO: BAA

Right? I've been occasionally reinstalling Alpha Centauri since its release. That simultaneously makes me feel old and reminds me of Firaxis' past attention to detail.

Did you ever play the Homeworld games? If not, the re-releases are pretty great. They're real time, not turn based, but still totally essential for space strategy enthusiasts.

I'll join you to throw in a disapproving gaze his way, complete with raised eyebrow!

Cheez-It's PR people must be cheesed off!

Snark-nails into his hands…

Stone Colds deserves much more recognition. Maybe it had that when it came out (??) but it is a wicked fun movie.

Can't you just leave Christians alone and let them go about their business meddling in the lives of gay couples??

Remember when Gladiator won best picture? No dog against Ridley Scott but I thought Y2K was coming back for us to do us in for real this time by sabotaging our movie awards.