
The amount of soap opera type hookups this season were just weird and felt rather forced. It's much more entertaining in the comic when everyone's boning each other in nearly every issue.

They reached their peak with the season five premiere, dropped a little bit for the season six premiere. Season 7's numbers are going to be interesting but I'm pretty sure this is nearing the end. Maybe a season 8 and 9 and this show will be officially finished.

They're limited with what they can do with his character since they can't go full R with him like in the comics. Abraham having to say "dick" instead of "fuck" for all of his dialogue makes him much more lame than his comic version.

I think Gimple secretly wants it to be Daryl but is too chickenshit to do it. Ever since they got to Alexandria, Daryl has hardly been involved in the major storylines and has been pushed to practically minor character status. Carol seems to be a bigger character on the show more now than him.

I do think it's gonna be a minor character that few will miss though. To make it Glenn would make the dumpster death all the more pointless.

Gimple has never been good with the payoffs when it comes to building stuff up. An entire season was spent building up Terminus, another on Morgan's return. Neither of those ended up being critical or ground changing to the overall story. So I'm not shocked that people are being duped for a third season in a row.

I think the issue though was that everyone thought that the low points from earlier seasons would either be temporary or a one-time thing (ex. crazy Rick). Instead of taking the show in new directions, Gimple only ended up repeating the same mistakes that past showrunners did…only a million times!

Just finished watching the entire season (I know it's not out in the US yet) but holy moly! This show is crazy but it is definitely worth sticking out to the end in order to make sense of everything that is going on. It's the weirdest mixture of comedy, drama, and action that would have never worked if it was

Probably never. There was an interview where Carrie Fisher urged Daisy Ridley to never let the directors put her in that kind of position.

I'm in the minority here but after hearing and dreading what a rehash of ANH this would be, I can safely say after seeing TFA that some of those complaints seem to be an over-exaggeration. The story and characters are unique enough that they don't detract from the original trilogy for me. The one exception of course

I thought Appendicitis as well. This is the first post-apocalyptic show I've seen where the group lacked a medic so it should be interesting to see how they try to save him.

It did seem like a TON of stuff was left unresolved compared to other half-season arcs. This could be a good thing if it all comes together by the end of the season. I don't think they'll be in the Underworld that long. Then again, they spent an entire half season in Neverland and that drove me crazy.

As a Lion King junkie in my childhood, it's not bad. I can forgive for its giving continuity the middle finger. But the voice and the design of Simba was ALL WRONG. It's cringeworthy when he talks and he barely looks like the original character.

Well I'm not gonna judge a Disney film by its trailer (even though the premise alone feels unoriginal and dull). Frozen had the dumbest most atrocious trailer I've ever seen for a Disney film and it still ended up being a massive hit.

Another great review. They should have you writing for the show because you described how the formula could have been done right.

I was in the same age bracket during the same time period when this show was on. And I can tell you the idea of teenagers talking the way they did on Dawson's Creek in real life was laughable. No wonder I couldn't take it seriously.

Finally, a good Christmas episode! I was never big on past Christmas episodes as they were either too dark or too bland. Plus this is the first one to focus more on the kids, which was awesome.

Brilliant summary. You've pretty much hit all the points. :)

I dunno. I feel like A TON of people seem to be missing the point or the main satire of the episode…which is how quickly ALL cops get demonized whenever one gets caught up in the shooting of a POC regardless of the circumstances surrounding the situation but at the same time it acknowledges that there are some brutal

I was expecting Carol to be the pregnant one (having saw that next week's episode was titled "Baby Steps") and much of what she did in this episode seemed to suggest that. Nice twist though having it be Erica.