
Yates films were without a doubt the most boring of the HP films. "Darkening" the series doesn't really help matters when the majority of his movies were too dull in the vision, action, and dialogue. And hearing that Steve Kloves is a producer on these FB films? No thank you.

I want to believe that Matt and Trey get it, I really do. But I feel like with each episode this season they are either constantly downplaying the actual roots of the problems from all sides or that they're actually one-sided while trying to pretend they aren't. Their handling of the election side-plot this season

Hard to when there's already reports of Trump supporters getting physically assaulted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Matt and Trey used to be smart people. I dunno what the hell happened. How could these two have bought the Huffington Post-like notion that Hillary was guaranteed the election? Anyone who actually kept up with the news and paid attention to the polls could have easily tell that this was gonna be super tight and

I'm in the same league as you on both the comics and the show. The show's pacing has been complete shit under Gimple. I have to sit through so much filler and dullness just to get to the most pivotal moments from the comics. Say what you want to about the earlier seasons but the pacing was so much better and much

The hate for undecided voters I'm seeing here is pathetic. You have fun with that and watch as they vote Trump in Nov just to spite you.

Mother of the fuckin' reach! Did every writer at AV Club busted their heads during the summer or something? Why does every AV Club review I'm reading lately sound like a painfully regressive SJW that needs to drag the election into everything they're reviewing? I don't like Trump either guys, but ffs enough is

People are really losing sight of what certain terms mean anymore. First they're trying to change the meaning of racism to mean "only certain races". Now they're trying to redefine whitewashing as having any white person in an original story in a non-white setting. This is not going to end well for society if

No black people died on 9/11 just like how Black Lives Matter says no black people died in the Paris terrorist attacks.

I always assumed that the comic would end with Rick's death. I think the series will end the same way.

I might give that show another chance. I didn't realize that the show was produced by The Aslyum, a company known for being low budget and tacky so I was turned off after episode 1. But at the current moment, I'm getting turned off by TWD's inability to stick with one particular tone. It doesn't know if it wants to

Won't make a difference who they choose in my opinion. They kill a major character, the fandom will get pissed. They kill a minor character, the writers will be labeled as pussies. They kill no one at all, the writers will be forever branded as time wasting morons. They put themselves in this position and now they

It really pissed me off how everyone seemed totally cool with Rick getting all of them almost kicked out. Even Carl after he got injured trying to intervene in that fight was like "we're good". It all seemed so ridiculously out of character. But then they've been all acting like they were prisoners since arriving

The dialogue has been painfully redundant under the Gimple tenure, sometimes even cringeworthy. They had an entire episode with the characters saying "we're not them," every five seconds. I wanted a beating by Lucille when I was watching that.

That doesn't happen until much later in the Negan arc which was why I was confused as hell when it happened as early as it did on the show.

I think regardless of who they kill (even if it is a major character), we shouldn't expect much character impact especially on Rick's part. I doubt that Rick will be super changed by the death and will continue to be the crazy arrogant moron of a leader that he currently is.

The season 5 finale was pretty awful too. Morgan shows up and all that went through my mind was "THAT WAS IT?!" How much more epic would it had been, if they had gone off-comic and just went with Rick's original idea to screw everything and take over Alexandria?

I know I'm in the minority here, but I always found Carol's storylines to be ridiculously overrated. I do agree that the writers try too damn hard to make her and Rick the superstars of the show while the rest of the characters are being reduced to gimmick fodder.

It's sad but it wouldn't even bother me at this point if Daryl dies, fan riot or no. They haven't done anything compelling with his character since he arrived in Alexandria and it doesn't even seem like Gimple wants to.

After all the shit that was pulled when Beth went missing in season 4, I've learned not to trust these gimmicks where something like this happens to a character and you have to wait a million years to get to the resolve. Then the resolve comes and it's dumb as hell. I'm not shocked that the Glenn situation went down