
I was expecting a fire to happen. I guess we kinda got one…poor Sam.

I think you're spot on about the poor utilization of celebrity guests on this show. When you compare them to TMS and Muppets Tonight, the celebrities were part of the entertainment. On this show, they feel like more of an obligation.

The saddest for me I think is Gonzo. At least Miss Piggy still gets to be a diva and Fozzie a comedian. Even Statler and Waldorf still get to heckle. But the Great Gonzo (known for his comical death-defying stunts mostly involving canons) has been reduced to being a talk-show writer. Riveting.

I was liking the refreshing take at first but as the episodes progressed, it got real redundant real fast. The storylines don't really use the Muppets to their full potential. They could have had a all-human cast and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Good jokes once in a while but the crude adult humor

The biggest mistake they made was centering this around a talk show. Talk shows are just celebrity interviews with a band. That makes the Muppets as they were originally intended useless so they are reduced to writers, producers, and stage hands.

On the other hand though, I'm glad that we got a non-Fozzie B-plot for once cause those were starting to get repetitive and pretty stale.